A Dream is What I Believe in: Transformative Power of Aspirations
I believe in a dream. If we look through the biography of some people who succeeded in life, what we see? They all had a dream- a big, fantastic, unbelievable for others. They worked hard to bring it to life. A dream makes us improve, try the second time, one by one overcome obstacles, and succeed.
A dream is a sacred wish that brings joy. When small children dream, adults look at them with adoration and say-“Wow! You dream big! Keep it up!” And their dreams really come true, which makes them happy. Teenagers are said to leave their childish dreams and come back to reality. But they still believe that dreams come true sometimes. If you ask adults, most of them do not dream at all. They are busy with their bills, debts, and expenses. They are afraid to dream. They do not believe dreams can come true. Usually they are not very happy either. They are missing something. On the other hand, the person who has a strong desire to bring his dream to life is very positive. He finds joy even from the process as he comes closer and closer to his dream.
Another reason for dreaming is that it helps us understand what we really want. When we dream, true wishes come from the bottom of our hearts before our eyes. We imagine every detail. We play every situation in our mind. We see ourselves the way we want to be. It opens our true principles and beliefs. Through dreaming we can face our real selves.
Sure, a dream by itself is useless and ineffective without believing that some day it will come true. How many of you dreamed something unbelievable and did nothing because it was too unrealistic? J. Pemberton and Ed Holland have founded The Coca Cola Company. They also had a dream. They wanted every habitant of the Earth to taste their drink at least once. The idea was not just unbelieveble- it was crazy. Today Coca Cola is found in the outlying parts of the planet. When we believe, we act accordingly.
Believing in a dream makes us work hard. A person can overcome obstacles in his dreams. He sees new options and opportunities. And those obstacles do not seem so great any more. In our dreams we can find a solution. Since the secondary school, I dreamed about the prom. I knew exactly how the dress should look like. In my dream it was a sky blue gown with lush and light skirt and beautiful laces all over it. I started to look for it a way before the big day. The dresses I saw in the shops were either too prim or too extravagant. It was very hard to find a dress beautiful and modest enough, so it would answer my beliefs. I gave up on buying it. But I still had my dream. So I decided to sew it by myself. I asked my aunt who was a professional seamstress to teach me the basics. After it, I painstakingly worked on the dress with a little help of my aunt. The result was amazing. It was the dress one I dreamed of. Moreover I learned how to sew!
A dream brings power to progress. We can roll mountains because of our dreams. Thanks to it we grow good virtues in ourselves such as-willpower, sense of purpose, and devotion. A dream is the engine for our success.