A Report On Alcoholism: Symptoms, Effects, And How To Help


This report is to bring attention to the issue that is alcoholism I will be showing you how bad of an issue it is, who is affected, problems that it can cause and the symptoms, where to get help who to go to and how to notice that there is a problem.

Who it affects

Alcoholism is a huge issue in people because after work or doing something stressful they need something to do and it makes them feel good and gives them a lethargic feeling and drops their stress. The problem is ever growing as in the first ten years of the 2000s it grew 49 percent and one in eight Americans are able to meet the criteria for alcohol abuse it can affect anyone no matter the age as alcohol is increasingly easy for people of all ages to get their hands on and it may start as early as 12 years of age.

Use of Alcohol abuse in the book

In the book “A Million Little Pieces” James is confronted with the method of Alcoholics Anonymous for recovery multiple times but he sees it as the wimp’s way out.

Problems it can cause

Alcoholism can cause many symptoms some physical some mental including difficulties or changes in sleep, poor hygiene(bad breath, teeth rotting as addicts do not tend to seek dental care), restlessness and agitation(feelings of anxiety can be aggravated and the feeling of restlessness, nightmares, and general discontent can be accelerated). Incontinence(the loss of urine control especially after coughing, sneezing, laughing, or lifting heavy items), impairment cognitively(causes loss of thinking and memorizing abilities), changes in eating. Long term alcoholism can cause permanent liver damage as well as multiple cancers and ailments as well as a higher chance of accidents that can cause death like burns car crashes on the job injuries and permanent brain damage.

How to notice an issue with alchohol

How to notice if you or a loved one needs help. If you notice someone looking forward to their next drink and seeing it as their number one priority, If they are unable to function without that next drink. According to AddictionResource; If you or a loved one are often intoxicated, experiencing really bad hangovers, feeling guilty or ashamed about it, often needing some sort of alcohol to relax or feel better, loosing the ability to control the amount of drinks you have consumed, or feel withdrawal when alcohol is unavailable you or a loved one may be an alcoholic. If you notice the issue early and get help the symptoms will be lesser and not as much harm will be done to the persons body.

How to help a relative

You should not be afraid to confront a loved one about this issue however do not throw blame on them use statements that start with “I” as “I noticed” or “I have been concerned” and never confront them while they are under the influence.

Who to go too

There are many ways to get help with alcoholism like AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) you can do Family Therapy or just reaching out to other friends or family members. Remember the first stage of fixing the problem is to acknowledge you have an issue.


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10 October 2020
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