Analysis Of Genghis Khan As A Nonconformist

Genghis Khan was one of the thousands of renowned revolutionary world leaders as we know that existed. Though we often see Genghis Khan associated as cruel, bloodthirsty, evil, and impossible to learn from. At least that is what his influencers would have suppressed us to believe. I believe that just like any other historian figure, we can learn well about leadership from Genghis Khan. To begin with, Khan put an end to torture, united tribes which were separated, embraced religious freedom, advanced laws for women in Mongol society, and managed his kingdom in a meritocratic way. Genghis Khan was also one of the greatest conquerors who ever lived; he was able to rule a self-made kingdom, which had lasted for centuries. The Mongols had one goal, which was winning; they had no honor in the fighting. After winning, they focused on growing peace with equal interest to any parties involved. Unlike many other conquerors who had brutal deaths and died early, Khan lived a long life and died with his loved ones surrounded by him.

As mentioned earlier, one of the many attributes of Khan was his embracement of religion. Despite having abundant forms of them, they were united because they gave hope and faith to its believers. 'In the first law of its kind anywhere in the world, Genghis Khan decreed complete and total religious freedom for everyone. Although he continued to worship the spirits of his homeland, he did not permit them to be used as a national cult. To promote all religious, Genghis Khan exempted religious leaders and their property from taxation and from all types of public service'. This shows how open-minded Genghis Khan was compared to other leaders of this era. This also allowed Khan to have more control over his empire because of his followers honored him more than ever. Khan emphasized that people are not some objects which can be won or lost and to respect everyone, even people with different beliefs. So, to say Genghis Khan was a dictator is unreasonable.

As mentioned in the book written by Jack Weatherford Genghis Khan and Making of the Modern World, Genghis Khan was an advocate for women's rights. He 'Outlawed adultery and forbade the selling of women into marriage. For the same reason'. Not only did Khan provide more consideration and freedom for women, but he also gave more freedom to women than other leaders of this era. The Mongol empire wouldn't have been able to flourish as much as it did if Genghis Khan viewed women as inferior to men. Khan gave women more freedom and protected women in a world where women were mistreated and were also traditionally used as a stratagem. Because of those reasons, stating that Genghis Khan captured women and was cruel to them would have little truth to it.

Genghis Khan was not an uncivilized bigot as traditional western historiography had painted him to be. The Mongolian laws often contrasted with the oppressive harshness of the western side at the time. The 'Mongol Legal Code of 1291' specified that officials are first to use reasons to examine and deduce, and shall not impose abruptly any torture'. Mongols limited the use of unnecessary torture and were moving away from the direction of the western side. Westerns were much more ruthless and cutthroat at the time. The Europeans believed that the greater the punishment, the higher the entertainment. This disparity level of torture used by the west and east adds to the fact that Mongols and Genghis Khan were not as inhumane and barbaric as they were thought to be.

The current modern world is quite a different place from the world, which has existed 50 years ago. The knowledge that we have of ourselves and the universe has increased. Infrastructures have become more globalized, and technological developments have revolutionized the way we can communicate with one another: the ideas and the circumstances of the present age.

To conclude, Genghis Khan was viewed as a nonconformist during his days because of his emphasis on religious tolerant, advanced rights for women, and mild punishment laws. Though as of today, he continues to be a nonconformist in a new light; as interpreted in Genghis Khan and the making of the modern world. Genghis Khan's behavior does not accommodate to the prevailing ideas; this is primarily of the west about him. Genghis, the great conqueror, gave everything for the cause of uniting communities and creating a new way of life which rubbed out the struggles of tribal lifestyle. He even ruled an empire which spanned from the Korean peninsula to eastern Europe. Nevertheless, Mongol empire remains an oasis of awe in world history. 

16 December 2021
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