Analysis Of The Role Of Television In Manipulating People

The Beginnings of the Television

The beginnings of the television date back to 1923, when Farnsworth introduced the iconographer a device for capturing images and converting it into an electrical signal after which in September 1927 the first demonstration of a television broadcast was made.

In 1930, the BBC began broadcasting a television program on a regular basis' 1936 there were approximately 200 TVs around the world. 'In 1940, a color television system was built that could reproduce up to 343 lines.' In 1956, a magnetic tape system was introduced to broadcast recorded broadcasts. 'In the same year, and the first TV remote control In the United States, most television broadcasts were color in 1967. The television uses either a cathode ray tube screen or an LCD or plasma screen, in which case the cost is high.

On March 25, 1954, the Radio Corporation of America opens the first line of assembling color televisions at its factory in Bloomington, Indiana. The company manufactured 5000 30 cm diagonal TVs, which it sold for $ 1,000 a piece, astronomical amount at that time. Since then, TVs have been on the rise for the past year 1996.

Zenith Electronics plans to produce a TV device that incorporates a microprocessor as a modem and technology developed by Diba Inc, which will allow web browsing with the remote control, 'announces the wall street journal at the time by TV. Subsequently, Sony and Philips Electronics produce Web TV devices that can be attached to normal TVs.

Already today, TVs are so developed that some people are no longer keeping up with the explosion of developments that have taken place over the last 18 years. All TVs are high tech which is an advantage for young people and adults about 50 years, but in some cases and over. Most of them cannot handle these ultra-performing TVs.

Handling the Masses of People Through the Television

The complex phenomenon of mass communication has seen many types of de-definition and numerous classification perspectives. According to Christian Wright, mass communication is geared towards broad, heterogeneous audiences that are not known by the communicator; messages are transmitted publicly and are calculated so that they reach the public quickly.

The term media was formed on the Anglo-Saxon Field by the synthesis of an English word, 'mass', which refers to the mass of consumers of these cultural forms, and a Latin word 'media' in its plural form, referring to the support on which these messages are fixed. The media functions are the role they play in impenetrable communications and the media dysfunction is the disruption of its functions.

Manipulation involves engaging, by means of psychological influence, a human group, a community or a mass of people at actions whose purpose is to have a will outside their interests. Persuasion is the action, the gift or the power to convince someone to believe, think, or do something. Misinformation involves misleading false information. Intoxication involves insidious influence of spirits to make them susceptible to propaganda, to demoralize or to confuse through the diffusion of false news.

General Aspects of Television Manipulation

In order to explain the specific weight and impact of messages sent on the small screens to the public, their specific features, unique in the media landscape, should be taken into account: the quality of the message, its coverage and penetration, its transmission speed and its extraordinary impact. The amount of television coverage exceeded that of the press, enjoying a growing audience.

Coverage is an important factor because, according to the data, television is one of the most desirable assets of the population.

The penetration force of audiovisual messages is due to the maximum spread capacity. The transmission speed is maximal due to the non - stop issuance capacity, and any event can be transmitted live or featured in one of the newsletters. The impact of the audio-visual message is very large because it has a major asset: the image.

The combination of all these features produces an audiovisual message of a type that acts not only on the human ability to learn and understand rationally, but rather on the emotional level, which gives rise to a wide range of feelings. Numerous researches in the field have led to the formation of several classifications of media functions and dysfunctions.

Media functions:

  1. Information function: Information of the population about important events, taking into account the timelessness and proximity.
  2. Functional socialization (educational) -Televizor has a general cognitive value (cultural programs); -It is a factor of civism, intervening in the problems of society (debates); -Cultural interpreter (shows, paintings, theater, etc.)
  3. Catharctic (entertainment) -The cheapest and most convenient means of entertainment
  4. Function of social binder -Any person can watch when he wants, what he wants and wants, at home, any program, and can freely participate in a fundamental collective activity.
  5. Function to confer status -Confects the status, importance, legitimacy and recognition of ideas, people, organizations, social movements, etc.-The printed message can be recited or slower, the small screen can not be fixed for a longer period.

Effects of Excessive Viewing

Long view induces passivity in the reception of any time of the message, psychologically presupposes the decrease of the intellectual, imaginative participation of the observers;

Excessive viewing of high-grade TV programs, sustained by a lax psychic fund, is the main culprit of aggression.

The Phenomenon of Manipulation

Mass communication is not a reversible phenomenon, the message circulates only in a sense: from the transmitter to the receiver, the feedback coming later. Information always includes a subjective element - the presenter - the way it communicates.

The following are the effects of the basic colors and what kind of reactions their use may cause:


Psychological effects: it gives the feeling of warmth, excitement, irritation, provokes, incites to action, stimulates the intellect, provokes anxiety, gives sensation of approach, mobilizes, enlivens, facilitates associations of ideas. Psychological significance and emotional resonance: express desire, excitability, dominance, eroticism. It is specific to the active type, eccentric, offensive-aggressive, autonomous, competitive, operative.


Psychological effects: it induces optimism, joy, gives a strong sense of closeness, sociability, health. In large quantities it seems sweet and irritating. Psychological significance and emotional resonance: just like in red.


Psychological effects: create sensation of intimacy, cause satisfaction, admiration, revival, cheer, stimulate vision, calm, stimulate vigilance, increase the capacity of demobilization and concentration of attention, and predispose to communicability. Strong yellow may be tedious. Psychological significance and emotional resonance: it expresses spontaneity, aspiration, originality and joy. It is characteristic of the active, expansive, investigative type.


Psychological effects: it brings peace, creates good mood, relaxation, predisposes to meditation and simplicity, gives the feeling of balance, stimulates multiple associations of ideas, gives freshness, distances in the space. Psychological significance and emotional resonance: express elasticity of the will, concentration, safety, introspection, persistence, boldness. It characterizes the passive, defensive, autonomous, possessive, immovable type.


Psychological effects: It gives the feeling of calm, calm, reverie, stimulates concentration, seriousness, tendency to evocation, indulgence, nostalgia, distance, infinity and meditation. In a large quantity can cause depression. Psychological significance and affective resonance: it is characterized by the depth of feelings and feelings. It is characteristic of concentric, passive, sensory, perceptual, unifying, expressing silence, satisfaction, tenderness, love and affection.


Psychological effects: it is a cold color, anxious and discouraging. Stimulates, inducenostalgia, gives sensation of gravity. Psychological significance and emotional resonance: sadness, melancholy, penance.


Psychological effects: it gives the feeling of restraint, restlessness, depression, interiorization, affection. Impression of depth, fullness and weight. Psychological significance and emotional resonance: death, sadness, end, loneliness, separation.


Psychological effects: expansiveness, ease, suiveness, robustness, purity, coldness. It is auspicious by its brilliance. Psychological significance and affective resonance: peace, reconciliation, tranquility, innocence, virtue, chastity, cleanliness, sobriety.


I think there is no room for public television and electronic games. There has never been any statistics showing what has been learned through these programs. Television is not an educational environment, not an informative one, but a conditioning. In the case of computers, we must recognize that they are machines useful for certain activities. Once the bases of physical functioning are understood, programs and the Internet can be presented.

Television and computer give the illusion of action, the exercise of will, but it's just a mechanical machine. The TV gives the illusion of feeling, but it is an unrealistic feeling stimulated in a virtual environment. Computers give the illusion of thinking, but it is a type of thinking that can be in a car through commands and instructions, it is a caricature of what human thought should be. Electric games eliminate thinking, stimulate the sense, but it provokes feelings of competition and stimulates the will to overcome a challenge.

I believe that the school of the future must be more humane than the technique, more formable than informative, more active than passive.

It cannot be said that television favors the development of a human psychiatrist's passive so that the person no longer wants to invest but just listen, can no longer be careful about the surrounding reality and becomes dependent on television-inhibiting images or computer games.

09 March 2021
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