Analysis Of The Second Timothy From The New Testament

Second Timothy “The Second Epistle to Timothy. . . is the expression of his [Paul’s] heart, who outside Palestine, had, under God, founded and built the assembly of God on earth, and it was written in sight of its failure, and its departure from the principles on which he had established it” - J. N. Darby

While Paul was sitting in the dirty dungeon in Rome, with maybe the only light coming in, is from a hole in the roof. Waiting for execution by beheading, Paul now older in age and worn out from his long race for God, writes what is known as his last and final appeal to hold to the truth and the life that Timothy has been taught. Like so many of Paul’s second letters that deal with false teachers, this also deals with the apostolic time. The time when Christ comes to set up his kingdom.

The writing of this important letter is around the time between Autumn of 67 and the spring of 68. We can date this by his death and time, recorded to be in prison by Roman records. Paul was killed under Nero, and died June 8, 68, the date of second Timothy was written right before his death. Second timothy is well expressed in why Paul writes this letter in the second chapter verse fifteen: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”. “First Timothy, were a collective, congregational conduct is emphasized, here individual responsibility and behavior are prominent”.

We see in Paul’s writing to Timothy in this second letter as a time of collective failures. There is this departure of faith from the truth in the church. Paul writes this to the child of God as an individual to keep their testimony and he or she must “live godly in Christ Jesus”. This letter to the people is for endurance in ministry. This is a combat manual to encourage Timothy to be strong and bold even thought there is hardships in spiritual warfare. “Against heretical teaching, Paul stresses that “all Scripture is inspired by God [that is, ‘God-breathed’] and profitable”.

The letter is a directive from Paul on the way Timothy should handle the various problems he encountered in the oversight of the churches in his charge. He gave advice on how people should conduct themselves. Also, how to face many misleading teachings and encourages the church not to be side-tracked but to teach the truth. Paul starts off this letter with letting his audience know who he is, by calling himself “an apostle of Christ Jesus” (Life Application Study Bible New International Version). In the opening of verse two he writes “To Timothy, my dear son”. We know that Timothy is not his son. With all the work and how much Paul has taught Timothy, Paul feels like a father to Timothy. Gratitude was the habit of Paul’s Christian life. He had long since ceased to grumble about his own discomforts. Deep thankfulness fills his heart now as he thinks of Timothy (Eerdmans’ Handbook to the Bible). Paul’s greeting of grace, mercy, and peace, Paul knows that these are blessings only from the one true God and the one whom he loves and lives for. Paul prays for Timothy is an unceasing prayer as he prays day and night. The idea of the last time Timothy was with Paul, Timothy was in tears, He did not want to leave Paul because he knew that Paul’s days were numbered. Paul tells Timothy that it would bring joy to him if he could see him once more, this was a reassuring statement to Timothy as Paul wanted him to know how much Paul cared for him. Timothy is told to “remember that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands”. We are not sure what that gift is, but I believe Paul is talking about the Holy Spirit. As Paul had placed hands on Timothy is the moment that Timothy received the Spirit. Paul reminds Timothy not to be ashamed of the Spirit and to let all know who is in him.

The first few verses in chapter one is making sure that Timothy knows that God called us and will not leave us. In the verse nine and ten tells us who called us and that by our own hands we could not do these things we have been called to do. Only by the grace, which was given to us through Christ who was there before the world was formed. Timothy is reminded that not by our will but by the will that is inside of us will we be able to spread the gospel. Chapter one is encouraging Timothy to the continuing loyalty and support to Christ Jesus. And that even though we go through tough times we need to stand firm in Jesus, Christ is always with us. Chapter two “It cost something to be a Christian- no man knew this better than Paul. Timothy will need single-minded determination not to get sucked in by the demands of life or side-tracked by fruitless, divisive argument”. So, the question is how do we be strong in grace?Paul tells Timothy to be strong in grace. “This means to trust completely in Christ and his power, and not trying to live for Christ in our own strength alone”.

No one as a soldier gets into civilian matters, is a portion of what Paul is stating here. As we are in a war of spiritual battel we don’t need the distractions of life around us, we have Jesus in us and he will provide our need. We must focus on the matters at hand and that is the work of the church, to preach the gospel of Jesus. Paul writes “for which I am suffering like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained. Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory”. Paul was in prison, in chains, locked up for the gospel that he preached. But Paul was as happy as he could be because his spirit was not locked up. “The apostle’s living voice may be smothered in his own blood, but what his Lord speaks through him still resounds in the wide world. ” Lenski. “Not all the armies in the world can hinder the word of God from going forth. They might just as well try to stop the rain or the snow from falling”. In verse 11-13 people believe that this is an early Christian hymn. The hymn is to encourage us to be faithful too the end. If we stay faithful, we will be with Christ forever. That’s the kind of encouragement Paul wants Timothy to know and carry on with him tell the end. Paul tells Timothy to avoid godless chatter because it might push people who hear this chatter away from God. Timothy is reminded to stand firm on God’s foundation, and make sure that he is exhorting God with everything that he says and does.

Paul’s description of the gold and silver cups are of the Christians that are in Timothy’s church. The wood and clay cups are the ones who want to lead people in the wrong way. Notice that the wood and clay cups can be easily be discarded, without affecting what the church is doing. Not only does Paul tell Timothy to stay away from the association of evil. “God can use only clean vessels in holy service” (MacDonald). Troubled times ahead, Paul warns that the time for Christ’s return draws near evil will intensify – even within the church”. We should make the best of what Christ has given to us, as the end of days are coming after Jesus’ resurrection. God gave us the Holy spirit to be with us until the second coming of Christ. “Timothy must stand firm in the truths taught him from the scriptures. They contain all that is necessary for salvation and for right living”. At the beginning of chapter three we see that there is going to be some hard times for Christians and their service for Jesus. As Paul reminds us of the end of days, and the conditions that will happen in the last of these days. We see Paul telling us about all the things that are not Godly and reminds Timothy to stay away from these things. Then in verse five we see that Paul is talking about the people who go to church, play church, but who do not know Christ. “There is no evidence of the power of God in there lives. While there might have been reformation, there never was regeneration”. They want to be religious but also keep their sins. Timothy is told to turn away from such people. Soon God will revel the evil things that these false teachers are doing. Paul’s charge to Timothy, starts off with the reminder of when Paul was in Lystra and was stoned, this was one of many.

“Paul summarized his life time of suffering for the sake of the gospel. Paul mentioned his suffering here to contrast his experience with that of the pleasure-seeking false teachers”. The evil will go from bad to worse and we must be prepared in season and out of season. “Persecution is an integral part of a devout Christian life”. Time and time again Timothy is reminded to continue to be steadfastly in the teachings of the word of God. Even though Timothy was an infancy he knew the scriptures which he was able to make wise of the salvation for everyone, through Jesus Christ. The words of the bible were not just stories or poems. They were inspired by God, and Paul says it best. “All scripture is God-breathed”.

As a final instruction to Timothy and as the last letter Paul writes. That he is ready to be put to death. Paul charges “Timothy: to go on declaring Gods’ message, come what may; though, sadly, this is not what men are itching to hear”. Go and preach the word of God!“Preaching the Word of God is the most important responsibility the church and its members have been giving”. Paul tells Timothy to be watchful in all things, sober to all things, to be able to understand if what you read, is God breathed or false teachings. Timothy is called to be an evangelist and spread the word of God. Paul wanted Timothy to come visit him as soon as he could. Because there was persecution of Christians at this time, some of the ones that once visited Paul are no longer coming around. Paul was lonely except that Luke was there. He wants Timothy to bring a few things when he comes to visit Paul. Paul states that no one stood up for him at his trial, but he knew that the lord was there by his side. Paul writes that he was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. I think that Paul was stating that he sentenced was diverted just for a moment and he would still have to face the danger ahead of him. Paul stated that the Lord will deliver him from evil and bring him to God’s heavenly kingdom. Paul says his good-by to those that he served with. He then ends this letter with the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Even though he put his pen down and this was his last letter, His ministry does not end there. “But the fragrance of his life and testimony abides with us still, and we shall meet him again and talk with him about the grand themes of the gospel and the church”. This letter that Paul wrote, even though it was his last and he knew this. Still Paul exalted Christ first and not himself at all.

His love for Jesus and guidance to Timothy made this letter so important, not only to Timothy but to many believers to come. As he pointed out to Timothy that the only person to rely on is the Spirit that dwells with in him. Also, that Timothy should watch out over the church for the incorruptible people that can easily smooth talk their ways into the church. But leave it in God’s hands to sift them out and their evil ways will fully be shown. Paul’s letter is an example for all Christians to be strong in the Word of God, ready for any season. Evil is all around and we as humans cannot fight this fight with our own strength, but only with God can we be able to win this battle of evil in the world. Paul never wrote about himself in the way to build up Paul. He wrote only to build up Christ, which shows me that in everything that I do, I should be exalting my one true king on high.

As a Christian I know that there are people that will say that they are Christians, But Paul reminds me that they can easily come into the church and do a whole lot of damage. By trusting in the spirit and allowing it to work with in us we can stop this from happening. I enjoyed reading this letter, being up lifted by what Paul has written. What I have read is not just a letter to Timothy but, a letter to any church leader. This piece of work can be put to work to help the church in so many ways. I thank God for breathing this word through Paul to be written to for all of us to read.

03 December 2019
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