Analysis of What Were the Underlying Causes of World War 1


The following what were the underlying causes of world war 1 essay is on the topic World War One, its causes and the results. This paper is based on the authentic history and written on the basis of valid sources. And this research paper will talk about that how World War One took place, what were the major factors playing role in the World War One, which were the major states who fought the war. After the causes the results of the war has been discussed that how the war affect the different states and how the organization such as League of Nations was established. I hope that this research paper will service the master research paper on the topic of the World War one and it would be really helpful for all those who wants to know about WWI.


WW1 broke out in July 1914 and it officially ended in 11 Nov 1918. Man has never seen such kind of horrors of war on such a massive scale. It is called as the great war.for about over 40 countries were taking part in the war and around 70 million soldiers were in action on different fronts throughout the world. Clashes took place between the powerful forces including Austro-Hungarian empires, Germany and Ottoman empires on one side and on the other side were France, Great Britain, Russia and later US. About 20 million of people were dead during to this war and world greatest empires were fell. Number of new countries were emerged in the Balkans in addition to the new Austrian Republic. The Ottoman Empire disintegrated and in its stead the New Turkish Republic arose, in addition to a number of other new entities, including the areas of the Mandate in the Middle East. Imperial Germany became the Wiemar Republic and lost considerable parts of its territory in the East and West. The great monarchies disappeared, and in many places significant steps were taken towards the adoption of democratic methods of governance. New and advanced technologies were used as for the very first time planes, machine guns, tanks and submarines. Germany fighting on two fronts west with France, east with Russia.

Causes of WW1

World War 1 is actually much more complicated than a simple list of causes. While there was a chain of events that directly led to the fighting, the actual root causes are much deeper and part of continued debate and discussion. This list is an overview of the most popular reasons that are cited as the root causes of World War 1. The rise of Germany after its unification in 1871 which disturbed the balance of power.

Mutual Defense Alliances

Countries throughout the world have always made mutual defense agreements with their neighbors, treaties that could pull them into battle. These treaties meant that if one country was attacked, the allied countries were bound to defend them. Before World War 1 began, the following alliances existed:

  • Russia and Serbia;
  • Germany and Austria-Hungary;
  • France and Russia;
  • Britain and France and Belgium;
  • Japan and Britain.


Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia got involved to defend Serbia. Germany seeing Russia mobilizing, declared war on Russia. France was then drawn in against Germany and Austria-Hungary. Germany attacked France through Belgium pulling Britain into war. Then Japan entered the war. Later, Italy and the United States would enter on the side of the allies


It is when a country increases their power and wealth by bringing additional territories under their control. Before Ww1, Africa and parts of Asia were points of contention amongst the European countries. This was especially true because of the raw materials these areas could provide. The increase in the competition and desire for greater empires led to an increase in confrontation that helped push the world into World War I.


As the world entered the 20th century, an arms race had begun. By 1914, Germany had the greatest increase in military buildup. Great Britain and Germany both greatly increased their navies in this time period. Further, in Germany and Russia particularly, the military establishment began to have a greater influence on public policy. This increase in militarism helped push the countries involved to war.


The origin of the war was based on the desire of the Slavic peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina to no longer be part of Austria Hungary but instead be part of Serbia. In this way, nationalism led directly to the War. But in a more general way, the nationalism of the various countries throughout Europe contributed not only to the beginning but the extension of the war in Europe. Each country tried to prove their dominance and power.

Immediate Cause: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

The immediate cause of World War I that made all the aforementioned items come into play (alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism) was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. In June 1914, a Serbian nationalist assassinated him and his wife while they were in Sarajevo, Bosnia which was part of Austria-Hungary. This was in protest to Austria-Hungary having control of this region. Serbia wanted to take over Bosnia and Herzegovina. This assassination led to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia. When Russia began to mobilize due to its alliance with Serbia, Germany declared war on Russia. Thus began the expansion of the war to include all those involved in the mutual defense alliances.

Consequences of WW1

Economic consequences

World War I cost the participating countries a lot of money. Germany and Great Britain spent about 60% of the money their economy produced. Countries had to raise taxes and borrow money from their citizens. They also printed money in order to buy weapons and other things they needed for war. This led to inflation after the war. The Allies wanted reparations from the Central Powers, because they were responsible for starting the war. Economy all across Europe broke down. Companies had to close because men left their jobs to fight in the army. When they came back there were no jobs left for them. Other businesses specialized in producing weapons. After the war they had nothing else to sell. During the war governments controlled the economy more than before.

The United States entered the war very late. It did not suffer destruction the way European countries did. Because they had played a smaller part in the war, America remained economically stronger than the others.

Political Consequences

World War I brought an end to four monarchies: Czar Nicholas II of Russia, Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, Emperor Charles of Austria and the sultan of the Ottoman Empire had to step down. New countries were created out of old empires. Austria-Hungary was carved up into a number of independent states. Russia and Germany gave land to Poland. Countries in the Middle East were put under the control of Great Britain and France. What was left of the Ottoman Empire became Turkey. In the course of the Russian Revolution the Soviet Union emerged, together with a new ideology: Communism.

Social Consequences

World War I changed society completely. Birth rates went down because millions of young men died. Civilians lost their homes and fled to other countries. The role of women also changed. They played a major part in replacing men in factories and offices. Many countries gave women more rights after the war had ended, including the right to vote. The upper classes lost their leading role in society. Young middle and lower class men and women demanded a say in forming their country after the war.


As we know ww1 was caused due to certain aspects or reasons like the rise of unified Germany Nationalism, Militarism, imperialism and alliance building. War of 1914, involving all major powers of the world was largely fought on European soil, but it was first truly global war. Protracted trench warfare, use of new science and technologies, huge loss of life, stalemate on both east and west fronts, were some of the characteristics of the world. Fall of Empires, re drawl of map of Europe, coming up of several new states, rise of USA and USSR as new superpowers, also the creation of league of nation and anti-colonial movements in 3rd world country these were some major consequences.

05 January 2023
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