Architecture Is Undoubtedly My Determination

In the current world’s outlook, architecture cannot simply be interpreted as constructing a massive tangible art aesthetic for the public or just building a structure which simply serves its function. Through modern globalisation, Earth’s resources and space are being consumed in a faster rate that it can accommodate to our changes. The world is facing dire conditions and this is where architecture plays a major role. Like any other child, everyone grows up with wistful thinking of wanting to make a difference. I wanted to turn my dreams into reality and it was evident to me the great significance the environment holds. I decided then that I wanted to be an architect, believing that architecture is the pathway for me to effectively approach all the environmental issues we face at hand. I want to study architecture so I would be able to conceptualise my personal style of architecture by engaging sustainable and innovative designs. In saying so, I aspire to be an architect who is able to cater sustainability and climate control in my designs but also be able to encourage conservation and environmental protection to the public.

We must consider the larger picture in our designs and create more spaces that are both ecologically sustainable and environmentally safe. Which is why it’s important to minimise negative environmental impact of buildings so our actions today do not inhibit the opportunities of future generation. My goals would be manifesting ideas into tangible structures that serves more than its function and hopefully be a testament to the power of architecture in the future. Although my institute does not offer Art as a subject but due to my keen interest, I found many ways to incorporate art into my lifestyle. During my school breaks, I sell handcrafted banners where I draw, measure, cut every piece and attaching them together to builds up layers so each of my products are unique and are good quality. Even though, they require hours to create, I enjoy the process of making them more. The patience that I developed Even up to this day, I’m constantly trying to refine my skills more by exposing myself to other art medium. The desire to impact through architecture shows that architecture is more than the definition itself. I believe an architect’s way to be vocal about on who they were and who they are becoming is through her own works. I’ve gained my inspirations from local architects like Ken Yeang, a renowned architect who has focused his career on on designing sustainable structures that are one with nature, and Eleena Jamil who focuses on creating architecture with strong references to context and culture. I’ve been blessed to currently represent my country for Ice Hockey and this year would mark the 3rd year of being in the national team.

As a player who’s residing in a country where we only experience summer all year around, playing ice hockey does not sound as easy as it would in any other country which showed me the importance of dedication and practice. But through this experience, I’ve learned that determination is the key to my success and my strong will has kept me motivated throughout the years. I’ve also learnt to empathise with my teammates through times of failure while keeping in mind that every cloud has a silver lining. Even while juggling studies and trainings, I found myself holding more responsibilities in high school. I was the Secretary for my Prefectorial Board and also the President of my Sports House. Although it wasn’t easy, I was not afraid of challenging myself. The attributes to my fruitful years was my discipline and grit as it trained me to have the willpower to overcome any obstacles I may face. I want to create structures that will benefit the world and prove that it is possible to cause important changes. For a brighter looking future, a small dream goes a long way. Therefore, architecture is certainly the path I am determined to pursue.

15 April 2020
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