Attributes Of The Anglo-saxon Culture In Beowulf

Epic is a term that is associated with history. Epic films are historical films of all kinds, particularly those that deal with events that are national or even global. Among one of the oldest film genres is this epic. It was extensively used in the early 1900s and was prevalent in the 1960s and has also been used in recent films such as Gladiator (2000) and The Alamo (2004). They are also known as costume dramas since they major on the lifestyle of a specific period. They are historical films that recreate past events. They are the stories that are typically told on a grand scale that often takes an imaginative, mythical, legendary or heroic turn. Most epics use the Anglo Saxon culture. This is the culture that was inhabited by the Germanic people that conquered modern-day England in the fifth century. They believed in leaders and heroes who had to be strong, physically, intelligent, humble, fearless and slightly arrogant. The hero was also expected to never show any form of weakness or even complain about their problems.

One of the most famous and important works of English literature is Beowulf. The story is set in Scandinavia, modern-day Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland. Beowulf, who is a mighty hero of the Geats, aids Hrothgar, the King of Danes, who has been attacked by a monster known as Grendel. Beowulf can defeat the monster and its mother. He becomes the king of the Geats and for a period of fifty years rules them. Beowulf fights a dragon and defeats it but is fatally wounded. He is cremated and a tower is built in his memory. In the epic of Beowulf, there is evidence of major Anglo Saxon cultures such as friendship, bravery, loyalty, and generosity. The Anglo Saxon culture greatly believed in loyalty. Beowulf showed great loyalty to the King of Danes when he went to aid Hrothgar to defeat Grendel (Beowulf 112-115). His loyalty was to an alliance that Hrogthar had made with his uncle. Grendel’s mother showed great loyalty to her son after his death when she brought her vengeance on Hrothgar, by killing Aeschere.

Bravery is also a major attribute in the Anglo-Saxon culture. Beowulf talks about his battles and the subsequent victories, he went against monsters, and even dragons and emerged the victor. This shows great bravery. This is also common in the army of Geats, while Hrogthar’s men cowered in their beds, Beowulf and his men faced Grendel. The honor was also a major trait in the Anglo-Saxon culture. Beowulf’s men showed great honor to their king through service to him. Honor also made the warriors have revenge killings. Religion was also a major root in the Anglo Saxon culture. They believed in God. Beowulf calls for God and exclaims “…the almighty the maker of the earth.” They also had a sword that was given to a great warrior who had shown courageous acts in battle, Beowulf shows so much selflessness, bravery, loyalty, honor, and strength. This leaves him as the perfect example of the type of hero the Anglo Saxon culture would admire. As a poem, Beowulf continues to bring out the most admirable characteristics in Anglo Saxon culture. It is also entertaining and an easy read.

14 May 2021
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