Better Than A Thousand Hollow Words, Is One Word That Brings Peace

“Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace” — Buddha

The world today is gripped with countless problems: from overpopulation to starvation and from disease to environmental disasters, but perhaps the biggest of all ailments is lack of peace. Almost every country is suffering from regional and internal conflicts and where there is relatively some calm and quiet, the fear of a terrorist attack (predominantly ‘Islamist’) or an act of outrage by a non-Muslim lunatic, keeps the people in a state of perpetual restlessness. In other words, there seems to be no solace for those who are desirous of respite from the tensions of everyday life. Even on a smaller scale, only a few households can claim that they are content with their existence in terms of peacefulness at home. There is some turmoil going on in the lives of people no matter how much they love their relatives and friends. One wonders why there is so much aversion to peaceful coexistence. Is it because we enjoy a volatile environment where everything and everybody is poised against each other as if one would snatch away the destined blessing of the other? Is there an internal disquiet that manifests in external conflicts and disputes which transforms into agitation that tends to create an atmosphere of explosiveness? Could it be that the ego within our souls is blown out of proportion which prevents us from seeing others in their perspective or appreciating their point of view? Do we imagine ourselves as demigods whereby, everything we do is correct while the rest of the world is totally at fault? Are the urges of always remaining conspicuous, authoritarian and being ‘the’ one so strong that one tends to shun others as mindless unimportant creatures born to only serve them? After all, there must be answers to these perturbing questions.

Every day we are using language to communicate our feelings, intentions, ideas and demands. Language is made up of words having different shades of meanings which if heard out of context can change the entire nature of the conversation. Misunderstandings are caused because of miscomprehension and one misconception can let off another mix-up having a domino effect of delusiveness. Once people are trapped in an imaginary falsehood situation, then coming out of it unhurt becomes very challenging. At times, these minor tiffs result in animosity within families and tribes which continue from generation to generation. The affected members happily reconcile to this aggression and rarely one finds someone who is willing to smash this artificial façade of acrimony and make peace with one and all. Words are constantly being used to talk, praise, abuse, argue, joke, scold, create literary masterpieces, spread rumours, whisper carelessly with evil intent but at the same time words can also have healing qualities for the injured souls. A few consoling sentences can prove more curative than intake of medicines and long hours of therapy. Despite knowing this we generally tend to inflict more harm through our words than spread goodness and goodwill among the people. There are many instances when the foolish add fuel to fire by the use of words that further aggravates an already bitter situation and it is a known fact that decisions taken at the heat of a moment can have very detrimental effects for many and especially those who are directly involved.

On the other hand a wise one would definitely cool down the hot-bloodedness of a state of affairs, extracting the venom of disgruntlement to establish peace and prevent damage, pacifying the belligerent parties with suitable words. Emphasizing upon the importance of language and words, Hazrat Ali (AS) is quoted as saying: “A fool’s mind is at the mercy of his tongue, and a wise man’s tongue is under the control of his mind.” Since times immemorial sages have advised that before letting loose one’s tongue, carefully weigh the probabilities of outcomes but we hardly pay attention and are quick to grab the first opportunity to blurt out whatever comes to the mind. This seems more of a tendency to get attention before anyone else does even if it causes a disruption beyond imagination. Our women, whose reputation and honour are delicately balanced, usually become victims of gossip mongering. Not that men are totally absolved from the responsibility but strangely and in majority cases, it has been observed that women are usually the ones to ignite the first flames of schism which can easily result in major rifts between families. This occurs when a casually passed critical remark about someone reaches his/her ears and rather than confirming its veracity or merely ignoring it, the person reacts negatively by either countering with a harsher comment and in more serious cases can go to the extent of physical molestation.

Many lives have been rendered miserable on account of scandalous accusations that are spread by the word of mouth by irresponsible persons. Conversely, there are some whose magnanimous character helps actual wrongdoers to come to terms with their deeds and lead normal healthy lives. Chronic drug addicts or alcoholics for example, for whom the society hardly ever has a sympathetic attitude, can be cured through therapeutic sessions with words of peace and kindness. These exercises have aided in rehabilitating addicts, who were subject to thousands of harsh words and disdain of their families and friends, eventually making them useful members of the society. Similarly, there are also instances where noble men have given shelter and honourable positions to sex workers who are socially considered as inferior and only fit to be insulted and humiliated.

This just goes to prove how good gestures and words of peace can completely transform human beings’ lives from troublesome to useful then why cannot this world become a more peaceful place? If only we ponder over the repercussions of our careless whispers we can easily avert tremendous harm to many people. When anything is said about anyone, one should rely on one’s own judgement if the person is known and in the case of a stranger, should refrain from believing blindly, any word related to him. Worse is when unverified facts are broadcasted with full confidence. It is easy to enjoy gossip but very difficult to maintain equilibrium and ensuring an atmosphere of peace and stability.

11 February 2020
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