Car Accidents: Why Speed Kills

Every day there is an accident and death is involved and every third death is a result of speeding. According to Road Traffic Management Corporation, in 2016, 14071 people died in a car crash in South Africa. In 2017, 14050 people died in a car crash, and in the last decade, almost 135000 people have died in a car crash. Even with help from many road safety awareness programs, the number of deaths per year is at a constant of more than 14000 people.

42 years ago my mom and grandparents were in a car crash with a bus that was driving over the speed limit, my grandmother didn't have a seat belt on and was carrying my mom who was only 2 years old. My grandfather survived but in the newspaper, my grandmother and mom were declared dead. As you can see I'm here so luckily my mom did not die but it did change her life forever.

A simple answer to why so many people go over the speed limit is because they don't follow the rules and the only time they get punished is when they are in an accident. Speed is what will kill you in a car crash. Either you will hit a car, a tree, or a concrete wall and the faster you drive will determine how much more damage will be done and you can almost guarantee your death. Crashing into another car can become very serious because not only are you possibly going to die but so could a family with multiple children. If anyone dies because you were speeding it is considered first-degree murder and you can get a minimum of 15 years in prison in South Africa.

Death from speeding can go two ways. Either you are speeding or someone else is. This is why it is very important to be aware of your surroundings and know who is behind, next to you, and in front of you. It is up to you to detect danger and make the best choice in a short period of time. You must not panic as this will waste precious time and you have to react fast. Make sure that you avoid other people around you and pick the best decision even if it means sacrificing yourself to save others. If you are a passenger you must still be aware of your surroundings and what the driver is doing.

In conclusion, make sure to follow the speed limit and know your surroundings. Heavy punishment is involved for any damage caused by you and can cost you a lot of money. Always remember that a car crash can happen anywhere and anytime and is at a very high rate in South Africa. Be careful as a passenger and travel with people you trust. A high-speed crash can change your life. 

07 July 2022
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