Chocolate Milk Should Be Banned From Schools: Villain in Disguise

Did you know that chocolate milk can increase fracture risk? The 12 year long Harvard Nurses' Health Study found that those who consumed the most calcium from dairy foods broke more bones than those who rarely drank milk. I think that chocolate milk should be banned from schools. In this essay I strongly insist to provide a ban because chocolate milk can cause health problems, it has a lot of sugar, and it's not even for humans.

Chocolate milk may have nutrients but it can also lead to health problems. Milk and cheese can increase the risk of having prostate cancer (a cancer that affects men's reproductive system). A study shows that women that consume four or more servings of dairy each day are more likely to develop ovarian cancer (a cancer that affects the female organ that produces eggs). Milk has saturated fat and cholesterol which leads to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Milk can carry dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Campylobacter, and others that cause foodborne illness which can lead to food poisoning. Kids that drink chocolate milk everyday at school can get sick from the chocolate milk.

Chocolate milk has 24 grams of sugar while a mini Coca-Cola has 25 which means chocolate milk has only one less gram of sugar then a mini coca-cola. Jamie Oliver is a chef and a reality tv star and in one of his reality tv shows he filled up a bus with 57 tons of sand to represent how much sugar an American drinks in a week. Chocolate milk has added sugar and more calories which can lead to an overweight body and obesity. Danelle Martin, school cafeteria monitor, says “It’s as simple as that kids should be drinking plain milk and that’s what they should be serving in schools.” In New York they already took action by banning sugary drinks.

Milk isn’t even for humans. Some people are lactose intolerant meaning they can’t consume dairy products, if they do it might result in Cramps, Diarrhea, Bloating and more. Cows produce milk to give to their calves( babies ) but calves get taken away from their parents after one day. Some farmers abuse cows just to make milk to get money. Antibiotics are given to the cows to make milk.

In conclusion, the school boards should reconsider having chocolate milk at schools. Chocolate milk is unhealthy and can cause sickness if you drink too much. So please share this to anyone you know and don’t drink chocolate milk.

03 July 2023
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