Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Pregnancy Loss

What drew me to this subject about behavioral therapy is the emotional process. When a woman experiences a miscarriage, it is one the most, if not the most devastating moments of her life. It can discourage a woman making her feel she cannot fulfill her “purpose” in life. Throughout, this paper, it will be emphasizing the balance between a calming relationship and experience with cognitive and behavioral changes. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a system of psychotherapy when someone’s case drives the delivery of calming interventions targeting especially towards cognition, emotion, and behavior. Pregnancy loss can disrupt a woman’s belief system. Along, with emotional consequences that don’t always get resolved with coping mechanisms. CBT has a total of three strategies: behavioral activation, cognitive restructuring, and mindfulness with acceptance. Furthermore; this paper will be mentioning miscarriages. Explaining what the body goes through and holds on the mind. Another thing being stated will be about neonatal death and how a mother feels about the process.

Mental process of pregnancy loss Women uphold a title of carrying a child for nine months. When those expectations end up failing a woman can experience and end with a great depression and anxiety. To where she ends up developing a hatred towards her body, and not wanting to exist. In, the following there are three behavioral strategies to help overcome if one is willing to do so. Also, that will be explained: behavioral activation, cognitive restricting, and mindfulness with acceptance.

With CBT there are separate levels of intervenes. First, by reliving the tragic event. By experiencing flashbacks of images and thoughts of when the occasion took place. A woman who has undergone a miscarriage go through a great deal of guilt and self-blame. Thinking they could have done something to prevent the loss. Going through constant worry, they will not be able to have the family they have always dreamed of having.

Second method focuses more on strategy and consists of four mechanisms. Such as: case formulation, collaboration with the client, treatment goals, and evaluate. Therapists realize client may leave the sessions when clients do become closer to their goals. In, return to their clients there is a third feature to CBT “homework” meaning by explaining what they’ve learned with these sessions and how they incorporate those learnings into their daily lives. With hoping to notice a difference in where they had started to where they have ended with the intervenes.

Woman who encounter a pregnancy loss tend to isolate themselves and don’t particularly want to surround themselves with those who are pregnant, or those who have children. The meaning behind behavioral activation is to help those going through depression and pushing themselves to become more involved with places nearby them trying to find “meaning”, or to find some sort of achievement.

Often when women are pregnant, they tend to not think about having a loss. Pregnancy loss is looked as a far-fetched scenario. As if it could never happen so, when it does occur, it is hard to comprehend. The main importance of the therapists in this situation to not approach too forward. Ease their way into the topic that way the woman feels at comfort and not judge in any way. By addressing the situation in a calming way, the therapists can gain perspective. Which brings us into mindfulness and acceptance.

Accepting such a tragedy can be difficult and no one should ever have to go through it, let alone go through the loss of someone’s own child. Painful thoughts and emotions have a better approach that is an acceptance-based approach. One practice to help is to do meditation, a present-moment focus. Therapists also tell their clients to practice doing simple task of everyday activities. Examples being brushing their hair or making and eating breakfast. Living moment-by-moment instead of staying in bed. However, such a tragedy cannot be expected to get over within a few days. Some woman will choose to ignore the fact that they did have a miscarriage. That is just another way, one can grieve.


When women go through this experience it creates an encounter to go on with their lives. They’ve experienced a loss of not only their child, they have lost apart of who they are. A loss of their procreative story. Which is why they choose to go with CBT. Some view CBT as a problem-focused therapy.

Concluding this topic with the benefits of being able to achieve handling emotional distress.

18 May 2020
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