College Athletes Deserve to Be Paid

College athletes put an immense amount of effort in making it past the high school level of play in their particular sport to higher collegiate level. They have to do everything all the other kids attending school have to do, such as achieving a high Grade point average and maintaining these good grades throughout their stay in that schoo,l so that they can continue on playing the sport that got them there in the first place. This is all in effort to be a presentable student athlete that will be granted a scholarship and housing likely to get them more fixated for wins and games when their season comes around. 

Overall the consistent argument of the athletes is that they receive a scholarship and they are very happy and accepting of it, but it just doesn’t account for the ample efforts they put in. The additional time they put in on the books and in the gym that other students don’t have to do because they aren’t held to the same standard. Additionally, the image that the star athletes of a school draw an immense amount of viewership to the school whether it be in person or on television they are consistently creating a large amount of cash flow for the school due to their high level of play in athletics. Imagine being the forefront of your school constantly on the front page of the next big basketball, football or lacrosse game that hypes up the whole school and ticket sales are booming. They sell your merchandise for the kids, parents and fans all to buy and yet you receive none of the overall revenue of the sales, so if you put in all that work and someone profits off your image and hard work shouldn’t you be reinstated for that? 

Colleges seemingly disagree as no colleges so far have decided to take the leap of paying their athletes. There is darker sides to this issue as overall the idea of an athlete getting injured and possibly not being able to continue play is consistently on mind of everyone the school. The athlete and the coaches are all constantly thinking of the players health this is due to the idea that if the athlete where to get injured then the scholarship would most likely stop. As the sport that was initially the reason the athlete got to attend the college is no longer being played and the student-athlete will have to alternate to another form of payment to continue higher education or dishearteningly drop out of school due to the loss of their scholarship. 

On another hand, international effect of college athletes getting paid is as big of an issue. As the overall college infrastructure surrounding paying them this international body isn’t nearly as large in relations to the places in the United States, as the largest universities in other places around the world tend to be a lot smaller in comparison to even the smallest places around America. Especially surrounding the overall collegiate level play the popularity levels are also a lot smaller internationally, so the venue for paying the small amount of kids that do play over seas is a less of an issue.

 Along with the common sense idea that it wouldn’t bring in any revenue along with that. Additionally, the pathway from kids in America to kids overseas is a lot different if they want to go to a higher level of play. Kids in other places tend to join a club or company to then represent to progress on to the next level rather than representing a school they go to this example is predominantly linked directly to sports like soccer as its overall international popularity is much higher and American football is tended to be played in that. Overall, the respect for school for kids overseas tends to be much higher as they are held to a much higher standard and it is just the expectation that they do good in school. 

So indefinitely the international efforts for college athletes getting paid is isn’t enough of an problem for them yet to actually push for different opinions. The corporation running the athletics is different and overall it's just much less of an issue for them. They don’t have the endorsement options, viewership and large brand deals all most of the things that aren’t commonly tried to be taken as an opportunity being an athlete overseas when you’re in college. 

29 April 2022
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