Comparative Analysis Of The Baby Boomer Generation And The Centennial Generation

Research Hypothesis

Methods used to teach Centennials are, in fact, different than those that were used to teach the Baby Boomers and this change over the generations has resulted in worse behaviour at school.


The aforementioned research topic is an important area that needs to be researched. Firstly, it adds to the current research performed on relationships between generations as this question has not been studied in great depth previously. Secondly, it will point out the innovative ideas which parents of the modern child can use to improve the way they go about teaching their children about the fundamental human values of integrity and honesty. In summary, this topic will contribute positively to the upbringing of the current generation and influence the way future generations are raised by learning from the ways of past generations.


This investigation aims to define exactly which birth years are referred to when talking about the Baby Boomers; establish in which year the current generation began; establish specific methods that parents of the Baby Boomer generation used to teach their children about integrity and honesty (if any); establish specific methods that parents of the Centennial generation use to teach their children about integrity and honesty (if any); determine which factors influenced bad behaviour at school during the Baby Boomer generation; determine which factors influence bad behaviour at school during the Centennial generation; determine if failure to teach integrity and honesty to Centennials negatively affects their behaviour at school and, if not, what does.


The Center for Generational Kinetics (CGK) is an organisation dedicated to customised research on generations - as the name suggests. The fact that research into generations is something that is fundamental to the organisation, it can be concluded that this is a reliable source. Additionally, many other sources such as Pew Research Center [List of possible resources 1] and an undergraduate honours theses from the University of Colorado [List of possible resources 2] concur with the information provided by CGK. This source lists the different generations and the years associated with them in a concise list:

Gen Z, iGen, or Centennials: Born 1996 – TBD

Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1977 – 1995

Generation X: Born 1965 – 1976

Baby Boomers: Born 1946 – 1964

Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and before

This is useful because it is difficult to establish exactly which years someone is referring to when they talk about the Baby Boomers. In addition, there is confusion about what the current generation is called and when this generation started. The research that has been conducted by The Center for Generational Kinetics has brought closure to these fundamental questions in my research.


This source is instrumental in helping me establish the time periods of each generation.


The Center for Generational Kinetics specialises in studies of generations, therefore, it is reliable to trust this source.


It is valid because it agrees with my previous knowledge of generations.


This source is not able to provide me with the values of either of the generations in question.

Relevance to the topic

This source is useful in defining the which years are referred to when speaking of the different generations.


Essentially this source is a commentary on different scenarios that have been observed in the classrooms of Carnegie Mellon University of students’ negative behaviour. Interestingly, it refers specifically to generational influences among other causes of the aforementioned negative behaviour. This adds value to my argument because it provides information on specific negative behaviours that have been observed at a school level. This information aids with pinpointing the exact negative behaviours of modern learners at school which can later be compared with the negative behaviours of the older Baby Boomers generations during their schooling.


This website contains references to factors that contribute to negative student behaviour at school. This is a major part of the topic in question and this source is able to provide the factors that influence negative behaviour at school - specifically related to generational factors.


Considering the fact that this is the website of a university - it is reasonable that the facts presented are reliable.


The findings of this university are not in disagreement with the behaviours I have observed of people in my own time. This source is therefore valid.


This source is unable to provide clarity on the years referred to when speaking of specific generations.

Relevance to the topic

The Carnegie Mellon University website is relevant to the broader topic because it provides insight into the generational causes of negative behaviour of students at school.


The information provided on this website is helpful in determining the values that were taught to the Baby Boomer generation. This information can be used to compare and contrast the values taught to Centennials and to distinguish their different behaviours. The information provided in this source is reliable because of the nature of the website. The Balance Careers has aims to provide research findings about the values of the Baby Boomers at work. I find the values mentioned in this study to be be consistent with the values displayed by Baby Boomers that I’ve observed. While this source is perfect for understanding the values held by Baby Boomers, it does not provide any information about the values of Centennials. This source is important because it provides information about the values held by Baby Boomers - particularly in the workplace. This information will be used to compare and contrast with the values of Centennials in the schoolplace.


The information provided on this website is helpful in determining the values that were taught to the Baby Boomer generation. This information can be used to compare and contrast the values taught to Centennials and to distinguish their different behaviours.


The information provided in this source is reliable because this website has conducted research on the Baby Boomer generation in the workplace and presented it in this article. The Balance Careers has aims to provide research findings about the values of the Baby Boomers at work.


I find the values mentioned in this study to be be consistent with the values displayed by Baby Boomers that I’ve observed.


While this source is perfect for understanding the values held by Baby Boomers, it does not provide any information about the values of Centennials.

Relevance to the topic

This source is important because it provides information about the values held by Baby Boomers -- particularly in the workplace. This information will be used to compare and contrast with the values of Centennials in the schoolplace.


In this source, Dave Willis explores fundamental values that children are being taught at home and emphasises their importance. This is necessary information to have accumulated because it provides information about the values that parents teach their children of the current generation. This information can be trusted because many writers have had input into the information which improves accuracy and reliability. This information is still valid despite being five years old because the topic seeks to answer the question about children of the modern era and not just in 2019 specifically.


This source is valuable due to the information it offers about critical values that parents have taught their children in recent years.


The writer of this source has influences from various other writers on his site which adds to the correctness and reliability of the information contained herein.


The suggestions mentioned in this source are concurrent with what is know of this subject.


The fact that it was written 5 years ago could indicate that it is not the most up to date information. This is not necessarily a problem, however, as the topic looks at Centennials, not specifically those in 2014.

Relevance to the topic

The information of this source can be used to establish exactly what values children of the current generation are being taught and this can be contrasted and compared with the values of Baby Boomers in order to bring closure to the topic at hand.


In this source, Lisa Wagner and Willibald Ruch explores the positive behaviours of students at school and what influences them. This is necessary information to have accumulated because it provides information about the factors contributing to positive behaviours of students at school. This information can be trusted because it is a government website. This information is still valid despite being four years old because the topic seeks to answer the question about children of the modern era and not just in 2019 specifically.


This source is valuable due to the information it offers about what positively affects behaviour at schools. In addition, it is a counter-argument to the hypothesis.


This is a website controlled by the United States government and all contributors are associated with the National Institute of Health.


The suggestions mentioned in this source are concurrent with what is known of this subject. In fact, it adds to what I know as well.


The fact that it was written 4 years ago could indicate that it is not the most up to date information. This is not necessarily a problem, however, as the topic looks at Centennials, not specifically those in 2015.

Relevance to the topic

The information of this source can be used to establish exactly what contributes positively to the behaviour of students at school and this can be contrasted and compared with the negative factors influencing student behaviour in order to bring closure to the topic at hand.


The Center for Generational Kinetics is an organisation dedicated to researching generations -- as the name suggests. The fact that research into generations is something that is fundamental to the organisation, it can be concluded that this is a reliable source. This source lists the different generations and the years associated with them in a concise list: Gen Z, iGen, or Centennials: Born 1996 – TBD, Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1977 – 1995, Generation X: Born 1965 – 1976, Baby Boomers: Born 1946 – 1964, Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and before. This is useful because it is difficult to establish exactly which years someone is referring to when they talk about the Baby Boomers. </p><p> In addition, there is confusion about what the current generation is called and when this generation started. The research that has been conducted by The Center for Generational Kinetics has brought closure to these fundamental questions in my research. The fact that this source is from university provides assurance that it is reliable. Essentially this source is a commentary on different scenarios that have been observed in the classrooms of Carnegie Mellon University of negative behaviour. Interestingly, it refers specifically to generational influences among other causes of the aforementioned negative behaviour. This adds value to my argument because it provides information on specific negative behaviours at a school level. This information aids with pinpointing the exact negative behaviours of modern children at school which can later be compared with the negative behaviours of the older Baby Boomers generations. </p><p>The information provided on this website is helpful in determining the values that were taught to the Baby Boomer generation. This information can be used to compare and contrast the values taught to Centennials and to distinguish their different behaviours. The information provided in this source is reliable because of the nature of the website. The Balance Careers has aims to provide research findings about the values of the Baby Boomers at work. I find the values mentioned in this study to be be consistent with the values displayed by Baby Boomers that I’ve observed. While this source is perfect for understanding the values held by Baby Boomers, it does not provide any information about the values of Centennials. This source is important because it provides information about the values held by Baby Boomers -- particularly in the workplace. This information will be used to compare and contrast with the values of Centennials in the schoolplace. In this source, Dave Willis explores fundamental values that children are being taught at home and emphasises their importance. This is necessary information to have accumulated because it provides information about the values that parents teach their children of the current generation. This information can be trusted because many writers have had input into the information which improves accuracy and reliability. This information is still valid despite being five years old because the topic seeks to answer the question about children of the modern era and not just in 2019 specifically.


The information collected from the various questions, sources and books is going to be used to strengthen the hypothesis

Credible universities around the world will be cited to strengthen the hypothesis

An experienced psychologist will be interviewed for 30 minutes

A digital questionnaire will be issued to grade 8-12 pupils at Trinityhouse High School. Questions that will be asked:

Which of your parents do you spend the most time with?

Participant can choose between mother, father, both

Which of the following is important to you?

Participant can select integrity, honesty, diligence, achievement, perseverance, other (please indicate) and not sure

Do you feel that your values are the same or similar to those of your parents?

Participant may choose either yes or no

Is there anything that you disagree with at school that you openly display opposition towards? Please provide a short description.

Participant can give their own answer

A digital questionnaire will be issued to a few members of the Baby Boomer generation

Ethical Issues

It will be necessary to make the purpose of this research apparent to all participants

Questionnaires will be handed out without a place to write the participant’s name so as to ensure confidentiality between the researcher and participants

Questionnaires will be issued digitally to ensure that the results are only available to the researcher to view

When asking questions to determine how many parents the participant has, and what their relationship with them is, care will need to be taken when designing the questionnaire so as not to offend the participant if, say, their parents are divorced or even deceased

Excessive questions about participants’ home life is unnecessary and infringes on their privacy even if the questionnaire is anonymous

Questionnaires should not be too long (10 -15 questions) so as not to infringe on the participant’s time

A survey could be used to store the results of questionnaires safely

31 October 2020
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