Competencies Statement And Self-Reflection

In all honestly, I tried to postpone writing the competencies statement and avoid the self-reflection time. I understand the importance of self-reflection as it helps create a better sense of who you are, what you want to be and how you can get there. But the process of taking a step back to reflect makes me anxious. Whenever I try to self-reflect to find my core values, I end up feeling more unsure about the factors that truly drive me. It’s easier to write about your strengths since we feel highly about ourselves but very hard to comprehend your limitations.

My biggest weakness is that I don’t question the cause of my limitations. I run away from dealing with my weaknesses. I understand that you come out as a stronger person when you can gather the courage to work on your weakness. But I run away from working on them. The task of self-reflection by evaluating your actions was another very stressful task for me, which I was trying very hard to avoid.

Another weakness of mine is that I try to control the situations in life. Rather than handling life and situations the way they are, I try to control the situations and set myself up for frustration and misery. This is the trait that has hindered my progress in both personal and professional front. I concentrate more on the uncontrollable and subsequently fail to work on the things that I can control. I know I will encounter stressful situations throughout my life and instead of avoiding them, I should make myself accustomed to them.

I should train myself to cope up with stress else I would never be able to handle the difficulties of life. Even in my professional life, the thing that held me back was my compulsive desire to control the behavior of people towards me. I expected my manager and my teammates to behave in a certain way with me and if their actions didn’t go the way I expected, I used to feel agitated. This attitude deterred me from achieving my goals. I focused a lot on the smallest issues in life, that I never got the bigger picture right. Even though I reach for my goals with utmost zest, I eventually lose focus as I start to control the things that are uncontrollable.

My strength lies in my communication skills. I can speak my heart out and can speak with a lot of conviction and passion. I also have good quantitative skills and could comprehend complex tasks with ease.

I would want to leverage my strengths by actively participating in the Finance Club. I want to lead the group by harnessing both my communication skills and quantitative skills. One word that truly defines me is - Versatility. I’m enthusiastic, always interested in different kinds of subjects and can easily impress others with my conversations. By embracing my flaws and enhancing my strengths, I consider myself as a well-rounded person.

18 March 2020
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