Comprehensive Literature Review of the Nurse-Patient Communication

Effective communication between Nurse-Patient is central aspect of nursing care. The psychological skill not only determine patient satisfaction but can positively influence health outcomes. This essay is the review of literature about the role of nursing communication. It consists of assessment of Nurse-Patient communication with perspective to patient in public and private hospitals. It focuses on “The role of nurse-patient perception, nurse behavior towards patient and previous researches on same work”.

The communication programs are integrating in clinical areas to focused on attitude and used many teaching methods for better outcomes. Susie et al. set up a study to evaluate whether communication skills course which would focus on knowledge, attitude and skills would improve nurse’s communication. They also studied to evaluate the communicator training program for nurses over 6 months period- and identify there are factors that influence communication.

Patient satisfaction is very vital in their care process, it increases motivation among participants. When patients are adhere to their prescription, it gives better result of treatment and reduces their anxiety level. According to Inga et al. participation is important basis for nursing care and medical treatment. The aim of this study is to initiate patient perception about nurse communication and nurse behavior that affect the communication process in the care of patient.

In nursing care patient participation is considered in different situation. The nurses work in different settings, regardless of their employment setting. In Erinn et al. population of individual who are care for, there is consensus in the nursing field that effective communication is integral to good nursing practice. Romski and Sevcik observed that effective communication is defined as reciprocal interaction. The patients with communication disabilities are not able to participate in the communication process, so that they need special care to overcome this situation. Lack of communication between nurse and patient can prolong patient stay in hospital. Many nurses and patients reported frustration which is inadequate for them. Erinn et al. studied that the communication with all patients in hospital setting is important for quality of care as well as improve patient-nurse interaction. Nursing requires non-judgmental care and communication skill with the patient, will also lead to patient satisfaction.

According to Anna and Jarosz communication skill considered in nurse work as well as education in its profession facilitates the work. Interpersonal communication knowledge content covers that what should be done in specific situation and which type of procedure introduced in practice. Communication skills requires emotional intelligence, patient own competencies and skill of nurse to recognize his/her emotion states as well as professionalism of patient. Patient lack of communication and level of satisfaction with care is common worldwide.

Nurses are significant source of information and support to patient and their families. Nursing communication is highly acceptable and valuable to patient and their families during transitional period of care. Nurses fulfill patients’ needs by communicating effectively and efficiently. For assessing the communication of patient require tool (NQCPQ) by this we can easily assess Nurse-Patient communication with nurse.

Catherine studied on nurse-patient communication, her aim of study is to explore patient experience about how nurses communicate. Patient communication is basic element of nursing care. It forms a positive nurse-patient relationship for future proceeding care. Communication involves transfer of information, feelings, emotions, perception of patient. According to Arnold and Boggs, and Balzer, communication is a reciprocal process of sending and receiving messages using verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Catherine, it is essential to discover patient experiences and views for effective nurse-patient communication.

Mona discovered that most record on nurse-patient interaction focuses on nurse communication, due to professional powers of nurse but this power is due to patient sick role. Patient as a sick is passive recipient of care and receive care from nurses. Harrison et al. said there is different in communicating behavior of nurses who had experienced than those who have no experience. The nursing students who have no experience in nurses, realized and understand patients more, when others don’t and they use non-verbal gestures, facial expression and are sensitive to other feelings as compared to those who have experience and experienced nurses use threats to gain cooperation.

According to Baer and Lowery, students liked best to care for person who were cheerful, communicative and accept their illness and accept nursing care.  Mona share her idea that, we know much more about nurse communication with patient than patient communication with nurses.

Finch studied that nurse-patient communication form basis for professional relationship and it’s a foundation for enhancing patient outcomes and care. Nurse-Patient communication assessment tool was also used in his study. As nurse-patient communication is a shared process and both are involved in this process for constructing, making and defining the action of each other. Nurse is patient helper and patient is recipient of help and it’s a mutual process between them.

Mojgan et al., conducted study in burned ward, where he observed that professional communication between nurse-patient has an impact on patient satisfaction. In his study his focus was on nurse-patient communication from nursing services. He uses communication assessment tool. He said that lack of communication leads to lack of trust, as communication play significant role.

According to Movahedi et al., the Joint Commission on Accreditation Health Organization observed that poor communication with patient effects on patient safety and use of therapeutic communication skills influence on treatment plan of patient. Fakhr said communication effectives is heart of patient care.

Saadat evaluated nurse-patient communication skills in his studies is to ensure effective communication skill. Communication is vital and dynamic process. It is one of the most fundamental skills and he use Delphi method in his studies to validate communication skill.

Engle A Chan et al., investigate the gap of patient concerns that nurse might not able to respond and appraise nurse-patient communication through behavior of patient. The assessment of nurse-patient bidirectional communication during hospitalization by Theodosia et al., the communication is acquire through techniques and skills. Here, they compared the communication that develop between both nurse and patient during hospitalization and gave the relation of demographic characteristic. 

Literature Summary

The literature on Nurse-Patient communication shows that Nurse-Patient communication play significant role in care of patient. Quality of care can only be achieve through effective communication between nurse and patient equally. Communication requires skills and techniques that should be used by nurse to provide good care to patient and fulfill patients’ needs. It’s a continuous and mutual process. The evaluation of patient perception about nurse’s communication is done in these studies.


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