Cultivating A Safer And More Attractive Environment For Cycling

First of all, we identify a lot of keys areas through which road transport emissions can be targeted, followed by one, more generic, approach to the emission problem. From the statistic, people are more likely to choose their car over their bike without knowing that driving their car can contribute to air pollution. Besides, Cycling is an emission-free mode of transport at point-of-use, so it can be one possible strategy to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOX) which it can impacts the human health and vegetation. In addition, nitrogen oxides (NOX) are precursors to ozone (O3) and also contribute to acid deposition which damages the aquatic ecosystems. The average car produces about 1. 3 billion cubic yards of polluted air over the course of its lifespan.

Additionally, worn tire particles, brake garbage and the emissions from the plastic and other materials in the car are also contribute to air pollution. On the other hand, the bikes don’t present this problem and opting to ride instead of drive is a very powerful way to cut back on the pollution that we produce over the course of our day. The main reason why cycling reduces air pollution is because bike doesn’t use any fuel. Even when considering about hybrid cars, bikes are still more environmentally friendly. Hybrid cars are still much larger than a bicycle. Hence, hybrid car still require a battery, which clearly has known carcinogens.

Hybrid cars often have nickel batteries and nickels mining also contribute to air pollution as well. Hybrids also still require gas to run, while bikes do not. Unlike taking the car or public transport, cycling won’t produce any emissions, and also reduces congestion on the roads. This is understandable that cycling reduces the gases, fumes, particles and chemicals can have a damaging impact on our health. But public perception of cycling and cycle safety is a major barrier to cycling at present. One of the concerns people have about cycling in the Malaysia is being exposed to air pollution. Moreover, non-cyclists believe cycling on the roads is too dangerous and many people perceive cycling to be an activity exclusive to sport, leisure or children, rather than a conventional mode of transportation. However, these perceptions must be changed in order for the number of cyclists on Malaysia roads to increase. One means to achieve this change would be training for motorists in awareness of and safety around cyclists. Besides, when we do our part to reduce the amount of pollution in the air by riding our bike instead of driving the car, actually we dramatically reduce the amount of air pollution in our community. Because clearly we know that bikes are operated on muscle power instead of gasoline, so that you can move from place to place without worrying about harming the environment.

Bikes are much more affordable than vehicles and it are an ideal choice for anyone who lives close to their workplace and can go to shopping and other errands quickly and close to home. Electrification of public vehicles As we already know, electric vehicles can be the most an effective solution to the air pollution problem. But, it potential to reduce the air pollution in the city should be fully realized and get the fully support from the consumers. Not only the consumers play an important role but city governments also have encourage people to use electric vehicles by making them affordable, easily accessible and reliable. If city governments are succeed in doing this, then electric vehicles will be able to help address air pollution in our city and contribute to the transition towards fully replacing fossil fuel-based vehicles in the future. Public transport is another key target for reducing road transport related emissions. The majority of public transport in Malaysia is fuelled by diesel, a significant contributor to NOx emission. In Kuala Lumpur for instance, where most of the journeys made daily are by public transport and the journeys are made by bus every year, with the vast majority of buses fuelled by diesel. A growing number of governments are addressing air pollution by promoting the use of electric vehicles. Unlike traditional motor vehicles, electric vehicles do not run on any diesel or gasoline which is good for environment. Electric vehicles therefore do not emit to air pollutants at all.

Additionally, electric vehicles are very economical and able to help motorists reduce fuel consumption. As for the efficiency aspect, which has long been under the scanner and it is slowly picking up. The consumers can further minimize their life cycle emissions by using electricity generated by non-polluting renewable sources like solar and wind. Owing to their low carbon emissions, it is safe to say that electric vehicles are environment-friendly. Moreover, electric motors are more efficient than gasoline and diesel engines. It is not uncommon technology to us because technologies for clean electricity production already exist in our country. Use of renewable or Green Energy Sources The first imperative to understand what energy is causing air pollution in the first place.

In order to create energy and electricity, fossil fuels are burned. As we know, these fossils fuels are non-renewable energy source. It is already proven that fossil fuel and coal are the main contributors to air pollution. Therefore, opting for the alternative or renewable energy sources to produce power presents a practical solution to air pollution. For our information, alternative energy sources also include wind energy, geothermal energy, solar energy, biomass and hydro-power. If people can harness a variety of these energy sources instead of relying on fossil fuels or coal energy, hence air pollution can reduce more than threefold. It is proven that renewable energy is significantly less polluting than coal which is releasing around half as much carbon dioxide. And for our information, carbon is the main element found in fossil fuels and releases particles that are harmful for environment. But, it is important to evaluate correctly some of these alternative energy sources because aside from their benefits and some of them come with different environmental and economic costs.

For example, wind power is generated using the natural element of wind. As the wind blows, it is harvested by large turbines. It is environmental-friendly because there is no greenhouse gases or air pollutants are emitted during this process. Moreover, natural gas, fuel cells, and batteries can as well substitute the use of fossil fuels as cleaner energy sources. Renewable energy can be done easily in our country and its benefits exceed any concerns. Every person can play an important rule by taking a part in making the world a “greener” place.

18 March 2020
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