Digital Marketing Vs Internet Marketing

This article tells us exactly about the differentiating factor between digital marketing and internet marketing really is? People confuse themselves between what these two concepts really are but this article tries to address this issue by explaining their definitions together with examples. People nowadays believe that these two concepts are both the same or are interrelated. We can say that they are related but there are definitely some differences between them. The main reason that people think that they both are the same is because nowadays due to the advancement in IT and the considerable use of the world wide web by users, most of the marketing is done on the internet but this does not mean that they both are the same. Digital marketing can be defined as the promotion of goods and services using digital technologies and that digital marketing uses both online and offline channels for the achievement of this objective (Atshaya & Rungta, 2016).

Internet Marketing is a part of digital marketing and it can be defined as the marketing of products and services on the internet (Atshaya & Rungta, 2016). Through these definitions we can say that digital marketing is the larger picture whereas internet or online means marketing is an important part of that larger picture. People are using digital technologies to market their products or services is because it offers numerous advantages over traditional form of advertisement like for example being economical, cost efficient, flexible, instantaneous feedback. It also has some disadvantages like trust issues, increase in competition, limited face to face interaction. Despite this, the advantages outnumber the disadvantages and that is the main reason why so many companies are adopting to the trend marketing digitally. Digital marketing uses both online and offline channels to promote goods and services whereas internet marketing only uses online channels for promotion (Atshaya & Rungta, 2016).

Examples of digital marketing include SMS marketing, television marketing, radio marketing etc. You see here an internet connection is not necessary here. Internet marketing techniques includes things like email marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing etc and clearly these techniques cannot work without being connected to the web. I personally think that by reading this article people can differentiate and define these two concepts with ease.

11 February 2020
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