Discovering The Togo Country In Terms Of The Five Themes Of Geography

Have you ever wanted to travel somewhere other than inside the United States, and if so where would you go? Would it be in Europe, Asia, or another continent? How about to a country in Africa called Togo? Well, the five themes of geography can help with that. The five themes of geography are location, place, movement, region, and human-environment interaction.

One of the first themes of geography is called location. Location uses both absolute and relative location to describe a place. Absolute location is the exact location of a place on a map while using coordinates. Their absolute location is 8.6195 degrees north and 0.8248 degrees east. Relative location is location, but while recognizing landmarks. Togo is located in northwestern Africa and is near the countries of Ghana, Benin, and Faso.

The Region is the next theme of geography. A region is the human and physical features of land. Physical features are, for example, landforms, climate, and soils. Some of Togo’s physical features are that their climate is very hot and humid. They also have some natural resources like phosphates, limestone, marble, and others. Human features are, for example, language, religion, and political systems. Togo also has some human features. For example, Togo’s population is six million two hundred thirty nine thousand people. They also have a few religions, Christian, Muslim, and Indigenous beliefs. Furthermore, their government is a republic.

The next theme of geography will be movement. Movement is how people would interact with the Earth. Togo’s movement is trading foods and goods. Some items that 2they trade, for example, would be coffee, cocoa, cotton, and others. They even exported one point seventy-nine billion dollars’ worth of goods! There were not too many things about the movement for this country, but they did use a lot of agriculture. For example, their people would work on the land to make their food crops like yams, millet, sorghum, and many others.

Another theme of geography is human-environment interaction. Human-environment interaction is basically how the name is spelled it’s how humans interact with their environment. Furthermore, it would be how they modify, adapt, and depend on their surroundings. When you modify, you would make changes to something so that it would be useful for you. Adapting to your surroundings would mean that you have adjusted to the situations. Finally, when you depend on your surroundings you would find a way to use your resources provided around you for your needs. The Togolese have adapted to their surroundings by making clothes for themselves. They even depended on a river called the River Oti for food. They built homes to modify how they lived.

The final theme of geography is place. Place is very similar to location. Place uses physical characteristics like mountains, rivers, and beaches. Some of Togo’s physical characteristics are that their landmass has many lagoons and marshes. An amazing fact is that even have a mountain that can reach three-thousand two hundred thirty-five feet high! Human characteristics would be their political institutions, culture, and housing. Togo’s human characteristics are that their culture has thirty-seven tribal 3ethnic groups. A few would be the Ewe, Mina, and Kabye. The Togolese would also have housing. They would usually send mail since it’s their way of communicating and the Togolese would live in two or three room house for one family.

In conclusion, Togo is a fascinating country to visit other than the inside of the United States. The way that they live, how their culture is, and how they would interact with their environment is very new and different. So if you are planning to visit somewhere outside of the United States then you should try out Togo, you would probably like it.

03 December 2019
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