Discussion Of The Reasons For Homo Sapience’S Survival

Introduction: People’s curiosity is the reason that we are here today. Adventures, discoveries are part of it. However, our species has been the only one that survived during those years. Being intelligent and fighting for survival are the reasons that we are here today. Even though in old era people were intelligent and survivalist, in modern era people are a lot more intelligent and survivalist because they found science important and improved technology. 1st paragraph: The human race have developed under such hard conditions. Yuval Noah Harari's Sapiens book shows that different types of Homo evolved based on their area. Homo sapiens started to evolve and spread across the world after millions of years. They started at Neanderthals were able to adapt at hotter climates. Other Homos were evolved in the places they could adapt. There are two theories that contradicts Homo sapien’s survival. Interbreeding and replacement theory. Interbreeding theory shows that Homo sapiens mated with Neanderthals when they came into contact. In fact, modern European’s DNA contains 1 to 4 percent of Neanderthals DNA.

However, replacement theory contradicts that Homo sapiens were the reason of other species’s extinction whether by taking away their food or killing them. There was a perception in Homo sapiens’s brain, which led to form larger communities, having developed tools, sophisticated hunting techniques, and even primitive trade network. They became adaptable to any climate by wearing snow shoes and worm clothes, which were made from mammoth’s skin. They began to colonize Earth starting at Africa to Europe, Asia, America, and Australia. Homo sapiens became dominant specie, and they were able to function as a society. Furthermore, they developed skills to be at top of food chain. Because of the ability to think and imagine concepts and scenarios, they became skillful and dominant predator in Earth. Moreover, human language is one of the most complex language, which allows us to create gods, history and myths, comparing to other species’s languages. Therefore, it led to form communities and bring people together. Then, they were able to farm instead of just hunt and gather. Also, they worked on a favour system, which was sharing their products with each other.

Consequently, it led to specialization. Because of mistrust between them, they invented writing and money around 3,000 BC by the Sumerians of Mesopotamia to determine what a person owes. They developed laws because the society became larger and harder to control. Because of developing laws, hierarchical societies formed. Also, religion spread among the societies, and the society followed much likely the ruler that claimed he or she was appointed by God. However, it did not stop people from scientific discoveries. In the 16th and 17th centry, exploration, experimentation, and observation took place in europe, which led to enhancement medicine, astronomy, physics, and a general improvement of society. In my opinion, the reason for Homo sapience’s survival is their intelligence and the ability to think clearly. Also, I think it’s more likely that replacement theory is true because it’s in people’s nature to react to dangers around them. They may have felt they were in danger and thought about their survival, so they may have gone to war with other species in order to eliminate the danger. They were also able to improve their innovations because of their experiences and imagining scenarios. I think people’s curiosity at that time made them innovate and discover, so they can make their life less complicated and difficult. If it was not for our intelligence, we may have not survived that long, or we may have still hunt and gather. 2nd paragraph: In the last 13,000 years, human history has begun in many different directions, Jared Diamond, who is the author of Guns, Germs, and Steel, determines that certain societies have more power, and they are more dominant than others. He emphasizes that some country such as US and Europe are superior in terms of technology and economy. However, bein superior has nothing to do with intelligence and talent of an individual. According to Jared Diamond, Yali asked him that why some societies are wealthier, healthier, and more powerful than other societies, but they are both alike in terms of intelligence and nature. People have learned to replace their hunting and gathering practises to agricultural and industry practises because agriculture is one of the most effective way to provide food for people in order to survive. He also argues that he experienced that people from less developed countries are as intelligent as people at more improved countries, such as Europe and US. Some people argue that the dominant and successful regions are those that located near rivers. Having access to metal and immunity to diseases are the core of being better than other civilizations that do not have access to. Diamond also contradicts that our species are different from others because of our ability to make fire and interact with our surrounding environment, such as making use of available resources.

Moreover, the rise of agriculture in some regions is because of the surrounding environment not because of one’s intelligence. Humans have altered their environment in different ways. For instance, they caused extinction of large mammals in Americas and New Guinea. Diamond also shows that most of innovations were not because of necessity, but it was because of curiosity. Most of technology’s uses have been found after they were innovated. He also argues that having left long time in life is a vital reason for technology to develop in some areas because it takes longer time to do more project and experiments. He also indicates that geography is another important reason for the pace in technological innovations because if the neighbor countries innovate something new, it will take a small amount of time to spread along the surrounding countries. This shows that geography has an impact on being superior. In my opinion, geography is the most crucial reason for having a stable and powerful country. Also, having a government and religion is one of the important reasons for controlling a country’s instability. Nowadays, in modern society, countries are more focused on stabling their economy because their economy determines the level of poverty in their country.

However, I disagree with Diamond’s technology theory because humans have always looked for easy ways to finish their jobs. Humans have improved technological innovations in order to serve themselves. If we haven’t had government or religion, the societies would be very unstable to the point they could not handle the rise of population, which may have led to constant wars, and there may not have been sufficient food to feed all of them. Also, if we haven’t enhanced technological innovations, we would not be able to build factories to produce different products, such as clothing, phones, cars, and bottled water. In conclusion, both in modern and old era, being intelligent is what makes us different from other species because we can communicate with each other, understand our surroundings, and be able to survive difficult situations. Survival is people’s first instinct, we humans have survived this long because we have reacted to outside dangers and become dominant predator on Earth. Also, humans were always curious to discover new innovations, which led to agricultural and scientific revolution. Therefore, it changed the course of humanity. People started to focus more on agriculture as their communities were expanding.

15 April 2020
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