Exotic Flora Is Foreign Flowers And Plants
Exotic flora are plants that originate from a foreign place, and could be considered strikingly unusual or strange. This means that they are different to plants in our native areas, and they can come from all over the world from different climates and habitats. Such examples of exotic flora are the Venus flytrap, Orchids, and Violets.
The Venus flytrap is native to the southeastern United States, in its subtropical region. This climate is hot and humid in the summer and colder in the winter. Its overall habitat can be described as wet, and can often be found in bogs or wetlands in this region of the world. The most notably unique feature about this plant is the method in which it collects its energy. The Venus flytrap is able to feed itself by effectively catching small insects that land on the trap. The rapid motion of shutting the trap by the plant is triggered when something lands on multiple hairs that are spread across the trap face. The rapid motion of shutting the trap then makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible for the insect to escape, which then allows the plant to begin the process of digestion of the insect. As the insect continues to struggle to escape, it triggers more hairs, which causes the trap to become tighter, and will eventually seal itself. The trap now acts as a stomach. Digestive enzymes are released the insect is digested over a period of time. This plant can be described as having two leaves that sit upon a stem, with long, thick hairs extend from them, and these leaves face each other, open to form the landing area for insects. The long thick hairs add to the trapping abilities, as they overlap when the trap is shut. This plant can further be described as being slim, green with red/pink inside surfaces of the trap. There is a spikiness to the plant due to the hairs it has.
Orchids are plants that are native to most parts of the world, however, they mostly reside in tropical Africa and tropical North America. These climates are both wet and hot most periods of the year. These plants can be described as often having intense colors most of the time, and their flower structure is usually very unique. Often there is an element of symmetry to their flowers from a certain viewpoint. An interesting characteristic of these plants is that their flower structure is heavily influenced by their habitat. For instance, flowers that grow in very sunny, but also drier areas will tend to have heavier and more a leather-like texture. This helps the plant maintain a stable water supply. This is different to the orchids that live in habitats with more shade, as their leaves can be characterized as being longer and thinner. Because orchids can vary to a large extent in their characteristics, there are many adjectives that can be used to describe these plants. However, they tend to typically be very colorful with symmetrical flowers. They do not grow very large in size, so they can also be considered smaller plants.
Violets contain anywhere between 525 to 600 species, so they can vary largely. These flowers are found in a climate much more different than that to the Venus flytrap or Orchids. They are found in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, in places such as Northern North America and most of Europe, and have been known about for thousands of years. This means they have also been cultivated for a long time, and can be found to be thriving in human altered habitats. Violets are, with respect to their name, violet in color. They are smaller flowers that grow in large groups. These flowers tend to be heart shaped, and often do not stems, rather they rise straight out of the ground. Another feature of these flowers is that they are symmetrical. They have five petals that form the flower structure. The four upper petals are all upswept, or face upwards, whereas the bottom petal is downswept. This characteristic gives the flower a seemingly pointed direction. This flower can be described as being delicate, violet in color, small and soft.
Exotic flora are plants that originate from a foreign place, and could be considered strikingly unusual or strange. This means that they are different to plants in our native areas, and they can come from all over the world from different climates and habitats. Such examples of exotic flora are the Venus flytrap, Orchids, and Violets. Although these plants may come from the same country you might live in, they are most definitely unique in comparison to other common plants due to their distinct characteristics.