Factors Of Selecting The Team Member

By designing the tasks helps an individual to take the ownership on the work, develop skills and communication, to be expertise in knowledge and domain. According to the author Bauer explained very well about it by taking example of game based assessment. Author divided in this three stages domain analysis, domain modeling and conceptual assessment framework.

The author Morgeson has explained about selecting the team member by observing the importance of social skills, personality characteristics and team work knowledge. There are 6 steps in selecting the correct people in a team. Commit to recruit the best talented people; do not be quick for hiring an individual; be in close contact with HR so that you can also take the views of them on the phase of recruiting wise; have a validation whether the skill is suitable for job description or not; use organized interviews so same question will not be asked in different rounds and use the score card template this will improve the assessment process.

According to author watts working in team is an important skill across the different professions. Resulted 96 percent in fetching success by maintaining healthy relationship in a team. The success of the team work depends on the healthy relationships and the steps involved are establish leadership; create relationship with each other in a team; foster team work and set rules for the team. I would like the team to complete the task in maintaining the relationship with the team work this helps the person to identify the weakness and to implement in the work assigned to him. This helps in building the confidence and taking new challenges with a positive spirit.

Team identity is the sense to share the bond which is important for team success and strengthens the team work. According to Ellemers positive team identity helps to invest and get team level outcomes. For an example author described about soldiers and their supervisors comparing it with the students and their teachers in a laboratory to test the samples. The first example is identifying the team and rely on the instructions as this are the life and death scenario once in the military field.

Second example leads to different results and taking a collective decision by preparing the documentation by doing research. One should lead to build positive team identity by appreciating the person in a team; define team purpose; accountability to the team and build trust in the team.

11 February 2020
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