Gambling Disorder, Its Signs And Treatment

Gambling is just about any situations such as a sporting event or at a casino. The more people create ways to gamble, and more and more casinos are built the more gambling become a problem that as a result, can make other issues build such as substance abuse or even family issues. In this paper, we are going to define what gambling is as well discuss what defines gambling disorder according to the DSM-5. We will then analyze the risk factors as well as the warning signs of gambling. Lastly, we will deliberate what the different types of treatment that could assist a person with a gambling disorder be cured.

Definition of gambling

Gambling 'includes any activity when a person pays something of value (consideration) to participate if presents the possibility of winning something of value (prize) whose outcome is determined at least in part by chance.

DSM-5 Gambling disorder criteria

Insistent and repeated problematic gambling behavior leading to clinically substantial impairment or suffering, as specified by the person displaying four (or more) of the following in 12 months:

Risk factors

  1. The amount of money that is being gambled must continuously rise for the person to feel satisfied.
  2. The individual is agitated or short-tempered when they try to quit or taper down.
  3. Cutting down or quitting with no success after several attempts.
  4. The person is often preoccupied with gambling.
  5. Often gambles when feeling distressed (e. g. , helpless, guilty, anxious, depressed.
  6. Feels the need to come back another day to get even after losing money the day before ('chasing' one's losses).
  7. When asked how long they have spent at a gambling site they will lie about it.
  8. He or she has put at risk or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity because of gambling.
  9. they rely on the people around them to help financially.

When it comes to gambling, there is a wide range of factors that may increase the risk of developing a gambling problem.
The first risk would be winning much money early in a gambling career, creating false hope that you will continue with that success. Another risk will be if you begin to gamble at an early age. This is because younger gamblers are more impulsive than an adult and struggle to control the impulses, therefore run a higher risk of developing a gambling addiction. The last risk the is mentioned out of many other risks of having a gambling problem can then also lead to a substance abuse disorder this is because in most casinos such as Vegas have alcohol throughout the whole casino Additionally, gamblers may use drugs and alcohol to celebrate a win or to cope with depression after a loss. Some also use it to deal with the guilt and shame associated with gambling.

Warning Signs

When dealing with people who have a gambling addiction, there is a wide range of warning signs the first three warning signs that come to mind when dealing with these kinds of the individual are as follows:
The first warning sign would be, being unable to stop gambling, many times gamblers are aware that they should not gamble so much, and try multiple times to quit without any success and want to quit. They try repeatedly, but cannot fight the urge to play. The second warning sign is when individual gamble to escape their problems by distracting themselves with their addiction and as a result, reducing or eliminating the stressor. The game is not just entertainment for them. It is something they do to feel better and escape from whatever is bothering them. Moreover, then, gambling itself causes problems. The third and final warning sign that is quite common with people that suffer from gambling disorder would be when a person no longer is satisfied with the money they have to spend and or the amount family borrows them, so they resort to stealing the money to fulfill their need to gamble.


Cognitive behavioral-therapy treatment sessions have shown promising results in the face of a variety of addictions, including gambling. With this treatment, a mental health professional can help an addict to identify the thought processes that have led to the compulsive gambling practice.
If you or your loved one is addicted to gambling and that addiction has led to increasingly poor life choices, and results, residential or inpatient gambling addiction treatment centers may be the best choice for your recovery.


In this paper, we defined what gambling is as well researched what defines gambling disorder according to the DSM-5. We also analyzed the risk factors as well as the warning signs of gambling. Lastly, we reflected on what the different types of treatment that could assist a person with a gambling disorder be cured.


  1. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed. ).
  2. Arlington, VA: Author.
  3. What is Gambling? (2019). Retrieved from https://calpg. org/what-is-gambling/
  4. Gambling Risk Factors (2019). Retrieved from https://www. choosehelp. com/topics/gambling-addiction/problem-gambling-risk-factors-2013-are-you-at-risk-of-developing-a-problem
31 October 2020
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