Global Warming and Climate Change - Essay to Raise an Awareness

The US and many different countries have argued about this topic for quite a few years. It has been one of the most important concerns throughout the world. Scientists began to notice changes with Global Warming in the early nineteen century. Citizens in the US have been fighting for this cause since they became aware of climate change thirty years ago. Global Warming and Climate Change is a motive that individuals are in denial of. They refuse to believe they are one of the many reasons why these changes are happening at a rapid pace. Individuals believe it simply does not exist. Although there are wildfires, droughts, hurricanes and cities/states with horrible air quality due to air pollution. They do not see drastic changes in the world. While I was in high school my science teachers would continuously talk about Global Warming and Climate Change and I would sit there disagreeing with them. I would often come home to discuss the discussion I had in class and decided to talk about Global Warming to my father. He explained to my brother and I that there was no such thing as Climate Change or Global Warming. My father continued to say “it is all propaganda, everything the reporters talk about on the news is a lie”. As a child, of course, I listened to everything my parents told me and not question his word. That age I did not know enough of what exactly Global Warming was and went along with the idea it did not exist. Wild animals are struggling to survive in this world, like humans they will cease to exist. Humans need to reconsider their outlook on Global Warming and make changes before it is too late. I believe we are running out of time and will not be able to fix the mess humans have created. Citizens that want to continue to live must consider change like different lifestyles, eating habits, recycle, end fossil fuels. That is why I decided to write Global warming and Climate change essay - to share my viewpoint of this global issue.

About two years ago, records show that Los Angeles had one of the biggest wildfires. The reasoning behind Wildfires in California is due to dry, decaying vegetation and high winds. The wildfires spread throughout freeways, hills, destroying everything in its path, including many homes. According to state officials after the largest wildfire was done “it had killed forty-five individuals”. They also stated it “surpassed the nineteen thirty-three Griffth Park, killing about twenty-nine citizens”. I remember that day of the 2018 wildfire outbreak as if it were yesterday. I was at work when my grandma called in a troubled tone informing me that Los Angeles was under a dreadful fire and to check on our family members. I have family that was at the time living awful close to where the wildfires were rapidly spreading, most of them were safe at home but others were stuck and couldn't get home or driving through the pits of the fire due to no one closing off the freeways. During and after the wildfires they were more than many individuals were angry after losing everything they owned. Which in this economy it is bad enough you have to work hard to provide for your family or other things to come home and find your house burned to ashes must be devastating. Citizens of the Los Angeles county that were living in poverty were in a constant state of fear of how they were going to continue on with their life when they had nowhere to go. Although across the US other states including Utah, Colorado, and Nevada faced their own tragedy of loss due to wildfires. Thankfully there were few donations to families in need of getting their feet back on the ground.

Recently there was a trend going on the internet about “saving the turtles”. Many talked about due to plastic waste and climate change the oceans are being destroyed, sea animals are getting stuck in plastic or plastic stuck in their necks, fins, etc. Throughout the internet, there was photographic proof of coral reefs destroyed and sea animals laying on their side due to being trapped in plastic and gave up on trying to find a way out of it. In the US, citizens produce more plastic waste than recycling it. Less than 1% of the world’s oceans, the coral reefs are historic animals comprising of thin calcium carbonate deposits within the photic layer. They are also major source of food for millions to provide habitats. Coral reefs may even provide nursery area for many marine organisms. They play an important role in different aspects of containing the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Researchers state coral reefs protect coastlines from damaging effects of wave action or tropical storms.

The Indian Ocean is bound by Asia to the north, circulating in a counter-clockwise direction to the south of the equator. The North Indo West Pacific is an archipelagic zone consisting of several marginal seas, narrow straits and shallow bays that host the highest biodiversity levels and a significant portion of the global coral reed area. Such coral reeds provide various services to the environment including reef fishing, tourism, shoreline protection, and natural products. While strongly associated with the region’s cultural awareness and economic development. I believe because of human acticives most coral reefs are highly threatened by overfishing, destructive mining, thermal pressure, and ocean acidification, resulting in the Indo Pacific decrease in coral cover by 1-2 percent per year. Expanding management measures to meet conservation objectives requires that decisions on the identification of priority areas for protection be based on science. Larval connectivity is not often included among the various ecosystem features used to asses which area should be best preserved as a criterion. Larval connectivity now referred to as connectivity, is the exchange of individuals between populations resulting from processes. Which involved larval development, current transport, larval activities, and post-settlement conditions. The reefs of the Coral Triangle often show relatively high levels of accessibility owing to migration and geological features. The current law and policy system in India for coral reefs is virtually non-existent with the expectation of protection. I strongly believe to end corals reefs from dying is to first stop all forms of overfishing and enhance stricter laws on coastal development not only in the US but countries that are also facing Climate Change.

While I lived in California, besides global warming plastic waste was a topic almost everyone was talking about. I became aware of plastic pollution when I surrounded myself with people that were concerned with what the world was to become in a few years. Plastic waste has been around for more than a few years now and yet still remains an issue for countries to collect and dispose of waste effectively. Recently due to an increase of the world population, managing waste has become a larger issue than it was years before. As a result, it has lead to poor waste management. Methods of waste disposal such as incinerators and landfills have several downfalls associated with them due to pollution. I believe using these methods of disposal can cause more damage than necessary. Electronic waste and the Pacific garage patch also contribute to poor waste management. Electronic waste can lead to leaks of toxic chemicals if it is not disposed of correctly. A large collection of small plastic bits floating at many different areas of the Pacific ocean is due to poor management in the Pacific garbage patch. I know a few individuals that believe that because they are recycling it is doing good for our environment but are unaware that companies that collect recyclables burning the waste. As a result, researchers state “burning waste relesases “gaseous emissions”. It can have a detrimental effect on the environment and those around the facility.

I believe there is plenty of solutions to prevent climate change like using alternative transportation, diet or simply setting a thermostat one degree lower than it is supposed to be. Especially changing one’s diet it can decrease carbon footprint by a third to half for most individuals. I believe if citizens were to take action it could possibly lead to a significant cut in their costs. Citizens of the US and across the country may all have different opinions about whether or not Global Warming is true. The ones that are in denial of the issue will soon see the natural disasters in the world are unnatural. Although, the ones that do believe in Global Warming and Climate Change, can only hope they see the truth sooner than later to make this world a better place for future generations to come. 

10 October 2022
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