Honduras – A Very Unique Country To Visit

Have you ever wanted to go on a luxury trip where there are blue skies and blue waters? Well Honduras is definitely paradise. Honduras is a country where 8,893,254 people live. Actually a handful of that population is located in the mountains. Surprisingly Honduras is 80% mountains. Honduras also borders 6 other countries. There actually was a British Honduras which is now a modern day Belize. Popular singer and songwriter David Archuleta is from Honduras. Honduras is still a developing nation like its other regional neighbors. Connecting to one of its regional neighbors is a narrow strip of land connecting to the Gulf of Fonseca.

Honduras is known for their cultural minerals and tropical fruit such as sugar cane and mangosteen. Not to mention their fried bananas are delicious Honduran cuisine is not very much different than American good the only difference is you can taste the authenticness and the spontaneousness. For example olla soup a tropical soup made with beef broth and squash. Yucca and common vegetables that are native from other countries in Central America. From eating breakfast at home to dining in, is the most popular according to tourist, is Honduran seafood. Coconut seafood sopa catracha is the most popular seafood in Honduras, this may be because soup is their specialties.

Honduran culture can go from the type of food they eat, to the type of features on their body. For example Honduran hair is typically curly, much like Dominican or Puerto Rican hair. Mayan tattoos combine tribal spirituality with body art. In tribal times you could look at someone's hair and know what tribe they are from, but you could also look at their tattoos.and be able to tell what tribe they are from. They even had Honduran tribal languages. There are still many folktales and conspiracies about the tribes still being alive in the hidden tunnels under the ancient mountains. Though they are in their own Latin American continent. They owe some of their cultural differentialities to Ameridia. Because they are 13% Amerindian. They are multi ethnic also being 85% Mestizo, 8% Caucasian, 6%, and 1% Black. Honduran women also have a very different sense of style. They have traditional dresses and, they are not like anything you would ever imagine. They look playful and danceable to be in this is just like Mexican dress dancers. They create beautiful dance movements using their dresses.

A lot of deforestation has been happening in Honduras as a result of logging and tearing things down for agricultural purposes. Also destruction of rivers and streams. Because of those breathing conditions in some parts of Honduras are not suitable. This may be even more effective on people who have houses on mountain tops this is due to mining activities in major water sources. Honduras is also a low middle income country and they face devastation with 66 % of the population living in poverty most families live on $1.90 per day.

In conclusion Honduras is a very unique country up to their population, land structure, the clothing they wear, and the type of food they eat. The cultural cuisine is especially exceptional from the delicious traditional to the coconut seafood dinner. sure the seafood dinner would taste better if you were eating it in a mountain because that is an effective tourist attraction and also 80% of their land structure. But don't forget the pollution in the air that might be on top of those mountains, due to mining for agricultural reasons. Maybe you could stop over at a parade and experience a traditional dress dancing routine. This being the traditional dresses is made for dancing. When you see authentic food beautiful skies mountains and waters you know you have reached Honduras.

03 December 2019
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