How Do We Communicate and Why It's Getting Weird

Instead of going out and spending quality time with friends or family, people nowadays just communicate through texting and calling over the phone. When people did not have phones, they use to walk or drive somewhere and meet up just to have a face-to-face conversation. How do we communicate essay defines the two modern types of communication and their impact is also discussed,.

Now we live in a society where everything is done by cell phones and made it so easy and faster to talk to each other. There are two types of communication: face to face communication and using a technology or social media to communicate. Even though sending a text is easy, talking face-to-face helps understand people. Communication can build relationships, shows their personality, and is cost effective.

First of all, face-to-face communication helps build relationships because the more people listen to someone, the more they learn about the other person’s point of view on certain things. Listening to someone without interrupting or judging them shows how much the listener respects and cares about them. Not just that, it helps the listener focus on that person. On the other hand, texting a person does not make the relationship stronger. This is why a lot of long distance relationships do not work out because the guy and girl do not get to see each other. My sister was dating a guy that was seven hours away and they did not even last two months together because of the distance. Sometimes, when verbal communication is not possible, it is okay to use technology to connect with each other . Like when students go to out of state or out of country to attend a university, parents and students have to communicate somehow because they can not meet their parents everyday. Both texting and talking are aimed to accomplish the same goal which is to stay connected with people.

When someone is face-to-face, they can see and respond to a person’s reactions. Texting important information can be misunderstood by a person that does not know the sender well. Interaction in person allows people to share strategy and thoughts. Over the text message, the sender and receiver can not see true personality or how they act. Which can lead to confusion and when they meet in person they would be like, is this the same person I have been texting or is this someone else? Being able to make eye contact is important because it shows confidence and respect. When people are texting, all they can use are emojis to show the feelings and sometimes the emojis have double meaning. Double meaning emojis could be confusing to the other person, especially when that person does not know what the sender means by that. My dad and his sister never text or call each other, but whenever they meet once a year they always click right at the moment when they see each other. A lot of people feel comfortable texting their feelings rather than saying it out loud because they do not want to feel awkward or embarrassed in front of the other person. No matter what way people chose to show their feelings or personalities, people will judge each other anyways, so it really does not matter how people should express their feelings.

Making direct conversation does not cost anything to anyone. Conversations are always more pleasant than reading a text or an email. Some people do not have unlimited text, so it gets expensive to pay monthly for text messages. Texting instead of talking can cost people to lose communication skills and writing skills. A lot of people lack basic communication skills because of texting. People like using abbreviations and acronyms in texting so, when they have to write a paper or an email, they would use “U” instead of “YOU”. On the other hand, it can get costly when people go out together to watch movies or to a restaurant. That is just a small amount though, to have fun and to see friends or family .

It is so weird how two very similar ideas can have very different outcomes. For some people, texting is so much easier than having to use their voice to make conversation with a human being. People should be willing to sit face-to-face and have an actual conversation where each person feels safe to share their ideas, perspectives, and thoughts. Just because people enjoy texting, they should not forget how to interact with one another in real life especially when it is free.  

11 February 2023
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