How Globalization Affect Our Lives - “The Inheritance of Loss"

To start with, this is how globalization affect our lives essay where the topic has been revealed through the book review “The Inheritance of Loss'. India is a multiculturalism country, with people belonging to several Religions and also speaks several languages. In India still there is an existence of poverty, unemployment, corruption, exploitation and social inequalities. Because of these, many poor people moved to different developed countries to earn money. But there they faced many problems such as race, color, language discrimination and etc. This represents the real condition of social realism in all countries. The novel The Inheritance of Loss mainly focuses on Multiculturalism, Globalization, Immigration, Loss of Identity, Loneliness, Cultural clashes, Poverty and Economic inequality. The major theme running throughout the novel is closely related to the Colonialism and the effects of Post – colonialism.

Globalization is associated with the wider social process such as post - industrialization, post – modernization and post – colonialism. Globalization has three major areas which gives the meaning and content to Globalization. Those are The Economy, the polity and the cultural. The economy it deals with the arrangements for production, exchange, distribution and consumption of goods. The polity speaks about the social arrangements in the concentration and the application of power. Is main aim is to focus on practices like authority and diplomacy which has control over population and territories. The cultural speaks about the social arrangements for the production that represents facts, meaning, beliefs, tastes and values. The Globalization is well- depicted in the novel of The Inheritance of Loss.

At present scenario almost the whole world moved into one market. Globalization brings the universal. The natives of Asian and African nations have suffered at the hands of Colonial Rulers. Now in the Post – colonial period Globalization dominate the third world nations economically and culturally. Desai highlights the differences between East and West and the impact of Globalization. Globalization instead of unifying the whole world raises binaries between East and West. Globalization leads to the clash between the culture, religion, moral and ethnic values. The Inheritance of Loss has more issues than can be filled in one novel. The novel examines subjects like home, identity, racism, class system, inequality and aggression. The novel deals with the existence of the immigrants in the present multicultural and globalization scenario. Based on her experiences, the novel attempts to capture the living between East and West.

The characters like Jemubhai, Sai, Biju, Cook and Lola are affected by Globalization, which seems to be the important cause for the suffering and progress of all these characters. Desai explores how once colonized developing nations struggle to register their identity on the international map. There are numerous instances in the novel which show the own and charm that the Indian characters of the novel hold towards the west, Desai explains a westernized community in the small town of Kalimpong. Sometimes it is the west which is trying to globalize its ideals as in the case of Jemu, Sai and their westernized neighborhood. Desai makes fun of formal British customs by placing these habits in the village of Kalimpong. From Jemubhai’s viewpoint, his wealth and class identity is important in order to maintain the western oriented life style he feels that he is allowed to be power has gained through his profession. Although the wealth and the luxury of Jemubhai gradually decline, his status and position remain the same. This show how stable and inflexible the system of social classes is, and how difficult it is to alter one’s starting point.

Desai has wittily narrated how Jemubhai takes upon his English mannerisms. Jemubhai is introduced to the readers as westernized the Judge who continues to dwell in his past glory, ignorant to the people and around him. His house in kalimpong was like a, “Public monument…rooms were spacious in the old manner of wealth” Jemu’s house is fully filled with foreign materials. Jemubhai ate even his chapatti, puri’s and paratha’s only with knife and fork. This is represents the condition of Globalization and the downfall of colonialism.

Sai is a true representative of the globalized world. Sai’s returning to her grandfather’s home is the result of the Globalized views of her parents, who have educated her with an eye towards the west. But unfortunately they passed away in an accident. The death of her parents contrasts with their vision of becoming global citizens in contradiction to their death by a local bus. In the opening chapter Sai sitting in the veranda reads an article about giant squid in an old national geographic a western magazine. They are attached with globe. Sai is brought up in a british convent by Christian nuns and therefore she speaks only English and Hindi. She thought that English is her first language more than other Indian languages. She could not eat with her hands. She felt happy with to be globalized. She thought vulgar to apply hair oil and she used paper to clean her bottom and she never go to Temple. In her school she learned, “Cake was better than laddoos, fork spoon knife better than hands, sipping the blood of Christ and consuming a wafer of his body was more civilized than garlanding a phallic symbol with marigolds. English was better than Hindi”. Sai and Jemu both are Indian but they communicate among themselves only in English. They always needed westernized style. One day she makes a tea, “Although she had no idea how to properly make tea this way, the Indian way. She only knew the English way”. This quote way we can see that how she was westernized and globalized.

Lola is another imitator and supporter of the westernized and globalized. In fact in this novel she said, “Chicken tikka masala has replaced fish and chips as the number one take – out dinner in Britain. It was reported in the Indian Express”. Noni and Lola only watch English channels and brought British books only. In this novel chapter nine, “Her suitcases were stuffed with Marmite, Oxo bouillon cubes, Knorr soup packets, after Eights, daffodil bulbs, and renewed supplies of boots Cucumber lotion and Marks and Spencer underwear – the essence, quintessence, of Englishness as she understood it”. They were imagining themselves to be a part of the western world. While, Sai, Jemubhai and Lola belongs to an aristocratic community so they were westernized even the people from the lower class also were influenced by the western culture. For example, the cook character he thinks that life in America is easy, that everybody has a flat and Television.

One day, Sai and her Neighbors were celebrated Christmas in western manner and exchange presentation towards to them though they are not Christians. However they do not celebrate Idd or Guru Nanak birthday. Regarding the Christmas celebration of Sai, Gyan says, “You are like slaves, that’s what you are, running after the West, embarrassing yourself. It’s because of people like you we never get anywhere”. Sai and her neighbors would like to read books which were written by English writer about England. And they are did not like English writers writing about India. They were stated that; They didn’t like English writers writing about India; it turned the stomach; delirium and fever somehow went with temples and snakes and perverse romance, spilled blood, and miscarriage; it didn’t correspond to the truth. English writers writing of England was what was nice: P.G. Wodehouse, Agatha Christie, countryside England where they remarked on the crocuses being early that year and best of all, the manor house novels. Reading them felt as if you were watching those movies in the air-conditioned British council in Calcutta. Above the quoted lines way we can known about what they thought about India and as well as British. One day Sai picked out an old book that states Indian can be civilized but can never be as good as the English.

They were craze for the western values, manners, language and glamorous life style; Impact of modernization, consumerism and Globalization is manifest in all walks of Indian life mainly for rich people. Characters like Sai and her neighbor readily give up their Religion for the sake of attaching made its impact in life the styles of both rich and poor people in this novel. They want to get their cultural identity in the process of Globalization. The author also concerned about the dark side of Globalization creating guilt between rich and poor. Government makes many welfare systems but nothing reaches the poor. So what they felt that went to foreign way they can develop their family and they can save their future also. That is why they left out India and immigrate into foreign. Indians immigrate to the United States for various reasons. Many of them go to study in universities; many are dissatisfied with political situation in India or looking for better job opportunities as they are brought much higher incomes in the United States. Another significant factor is support their families from abroad. The personal circumstances of migration differ from individual to individual, and for Indians, it is not just a matter of personal choice, but it involves the entire family. Biju’s migration to New York is a very clear example of the Impact of Globalization. He went abroad for better prospects, but bitter was his experiences there. An employment in the United States is thought of as a dream career for many Indians.

Immigration problem is one of the most prominent problems that is needed to be mentioned in how does globalization affect our daily lives essay. Most of the Indian and third world citizens face such problem in Europe and America. Biju, Harish Harry, Saran, Jeev, Rishi, Mr. Lal Kaka and thousands of Africans, Latin Americans and Asians working in America and Europe show the bitter experiences of the immigrants. Father Booty a resident of Switzerland is another example of illegal immigrant who lives in India for forty-five years, while he has the visa for the two weeks only. Later he is forced to leave the country. American dream is often referred to the act of pursuing the sophisticated life in America by the people of third world countries. They aspire to lead the luxurious life by leaving their poor countries. The marginalized people in the western countries wrongly think that they will attain dignity it they fly to America and gain the financial success. They are fascinated towards the life of cushioned in luxury with all electronic services, Non-stop power and water supply, the need of transport facility. For these conveniences and also for the dollars they need to send their families, they are can ready to work in low paid small jobs under the inhuman managers and owners. Desai portrays these experiences of an illegal immigrant Biju in the most sympathetic way.

Biju is an Indian immigrant living in America. He left India, with a dream of having better life in America. His father is a cook who works for Jemubhai. At the beginning Biju and his father was trying to find a way to go abroad. Desai describes individual’s difficulties of getting abroad.

The cook first tried to send Biju to abroad when a recruiting agent for a cruise ship line appeared in kalimpong. Biju interviewed was accepted, and he signed with the company. Cook was very proud to be a father of Biju. The next day, they went back to the hotel with a medical form and eight thousand rupees. Two weeks later, only Biju find out him was cheated. For his desire biju second time applied for a tourist visa to go to America. Biju had gone to the U.S. embassy and stood in the line with a crowd of people. Many of them visa was rejected. When biju approached the window he answered the questions directly and politely. He lied, he would not remain in America because he had family, a wife a son and camera shop are here. He showed a fake bank statement to prove. Then finally his visa was approved. A man who was behind him said, “The luckiest boy in the whole world” (Desai, 187). This lines way we can know about how difficult to get a visa for America.

Biju is one of the finest examples of the reality that living in America does not have to fulfill their hopes they have been dreaming of. As an illegal immigrant he is not able to find any proper job because in that time he does not have Green card because of that he moves to different location to search for a proper job. He spends the first few weeks by selling hot dogs for Gray’s papaya. His owner is checking the Green cards of the employees Biju does not have so the owner is fire him. Biju was relived from there and went to find another job. He finds a job in French restrautant Baby Bistro. At the baby bistro he meets different race of people from different places. “On top, rich colonial, and down below, poor native. Colombian, Tunisian, Ecuadorian, Gambian”.

When conflict appears he meets one Pakistani at work. Even though no reasonable argument, biju hates him and he is not able to talk to him. He thought that, “It was a country where people from everywhere journeyed to work, but oh, surely not Pakistanis! Surely they would not be hired. Surely Indians were better liked”. When Biju told that to his father, then the cook wrote to his son, “Beware. Beware. Keep away. Distrust”. Biju and his father hates the Pakistani, based on the old tradition. He insults him with an old tradition and practices learned from his childhood. One day they were conflict with each other the owner was arrived in that place and both of them are dismissed in that restaurant. The reasons of this mutual conflict are religion and traditions. In this situation, Desai points out the hated between Hindu and Muslim. These two do not even bother to get to know each other. Instead, they rather adopt prejudices and attitudes of their fathers. This proves that characters are able neither critically think on their own nor not make their own opinion. In America Biju works various jobs. He worked in another hotel. Due to his race and color he is humiliated by his owner’s wife. In this novel we also find such themes of Race and color. Biju is unable to accept the American way of life.

One day the news agent Mr. Iype informs to Biju about the trouble in the hillside of Darjeeling. The day after he makes a call to his father, Biju asks the cook about the situation and strikes there and the cook assures him that there is no trouble and everything is all right now. But biju feels so lonely and he is missing his father, he hates being in the United States. He thinks that he was fake lives in the USA. Whenever anyone speaks in English, he pretends to be speaking in English. He thought that he lives in the different world. In that location so many people lives in the different world he also thought that same. Finally he thought that to return his home and he decides to begin a new life.

Desai with her own immigrant experience portrays the helpless Indians who wish to have the great American dream come true. But not all Indians do succeed like biju. Many of them were end up their life and they are pushed down in their life. Biju lives alone in alien country. He separated from his family and he cannot visit them because he would not have another chance to return to the USA. That arouses the feeling of confusion and home sickness. He faces terrible condition in America. He feels that whether go to Homeland or financially support his family. Finally he realizes and accepts his fate decides to go to India with no bright future and prosperity.

Colonialism is one type of system in which the ruler of aristocrat class used to use their power to earn wealth by dominating over the common people. It is one of the chains in real life. Colonialism to post-colonialism is just a shift of power from the foreign rulers to native rulers so the name of post colonialism comes in existence.

The theme of race and ethnicity can be seen through the migration and multiculturalism in a post colonial setting. These themes are both in personal and global perspective. The theme of race is one of the major issues. Race is viewed as a social construction that is primarily recognized by physical appearance. It refers person’s skin color, hair form, facial features such as shape of nose and lips, eye form and height. Ethnicity is about the culture. Discrimination due to race and ethnicity is usually quite visible in the society. Through the main character of Jemubhai way Desai shows how discrimination due to race and ethnicity can influence and wound in the cases even destroy in the human kind. Due to discrimination the race and ethnicity can also be closely related to the question of individual personality. The experience of Jemubhai also expands the theme of race into universal subject. Through his personal experience way the readers may analyze the pattern of white, imperial superiority and power of colonized countries. Colonized countries are not accepted or welcomed into the western world.

English language plays a vital role in all the nations of the world. Without proper communication and language skills one cannot survive in other countries for example Biju character. Whenever anyone speaks in English, he pretends to speaks in English. And he thought that he was fake so finally he realizes to go to his native home. The only one thing Jemu can do to prove his education and get success is to work hard.

If I was writing my globalization story essay I would mention how globalization changed eating hanits in my culture. Nevertheless this topic is also mentioned in the novel. Eating habits also affected by the Globalization and it reflects in this novel. Noni and Lola are example to the rise of ‘Chicken tikka Masala’ as British national dish. Morrover sai calling the vegetables with their English names like snap peas, French beans, spring onions and being feared by calling loki, tinda, kathal, kaddu and local’saag’ is an effect of westernization. The judge uses fork and knife even to eat chapattis, puris and parathas. And also we can see that non-vegetarian food is being served at the Gandhi restaurant it is also an effect of globalization.

The novel explores the international issues like Globalization, Multiculturalism, discrimination, economic inequality, fundamentalism and terrorist violence. Kiran desai has focused on the powerless people how they tackle with modern world. She has also thrown the light on the trouble of all Indians in abroad. It was the story of nation’s tragedies, hopes and dreams of human failings. She writes of post colonial India of its poor as well as its privileged. All the characters in novel were engaged in establishing their Indian identity. Her characters are mainly focused the common people and all of them has lost everything and the inheritance loss.

10 October 2022
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