How Males And Females Communicate

We live in a time where social media is in its peak and every social site you get on you always see someone having the conversation about how “females is better at this and that” or “males are better at this and that”. I was wondering who is better or if either one of us is better. Why can’t we just be tied up or just good at something that the opposite sex isn’t? That the question I want to answer. I want to learn how males and females communicate with one another and to figure out which sex is better than the other.

The way we talk and interact with the opposite sex is very interesting. When we like a female, we try to impress her with our appearance and how we talk. We talk intelligently, using big words and clear sentences. We as males want to show a woman how smart we are, so she won’t think “a dumb man is trying to get my attention” and brush us off. One of the most important things that we do is make eye contact with her. We try to make her feel comfortable as possible. If we can’t even look at her, she’ll think “he’s not confident or he must not really be interested if he can’t even look at me”. Although most women don’t normally make the first move, the way we interact is still the same. Women talk intelligently when trying to impress a man and make eye contact as well to create a connection unless their shy. Some of the key things people typically say about the difference between males and females are that males are more aggressive, physically stronger and more competitive. Whereas women are more empathetic, caring and modest.

According to research our brains are different causing the way we think to be different. For example, our brains ability to process information is different between the two sexes. Male brains utilize nearly seven times more gray matter for activity while female brains utilize nearly ten times more white matter. Gray matter and white matter are information processing centers in the brain. The gray to white matter difference explains why females multi-task so well and males excel in high-task focused projects. When a male is attracted to a female, he does things to get her attention. He tries by getting new clothes, new shoes and getting a haircut. He may even go out and buy some cologne or go into his parents' room to get some. Females are the same exact way, to get a male attention she does whatever it takes to get him to notice her. She goes to get her nails and toes done, goes to the salon to get her hair done. Go to the mall to get new clothes and new perfume fragrances.

Now that the male and female both upgraded their hygiene and appearance, they will try to see the person then attract to notice them. I believe this is a behavior that both sexes do because when you like someone you want them to see you and you want them to speak to you. Of course, if he/she liked you, they would have liked you for you being you, but this is a common behavior. Let's say hypothetically a guy does all this and the guy and female has locked on eye contact, but they do not approach you. More cases than not that means either they are too shy to come over to speak or they want you to make the first move. If that situation was the case and the guy freezes up that goes to show that he is too shy and does not have that apathetic personality. That mean that they are afraid of rejection but people with the nonchalant personalities do not care if it does not go well. If we reverse the roles and it was a female that was the one that was trying to impress a guy. It is rare that a female makes the first move so mostly she waits for the guy to make the first move. She won't make the first move because she does not come on as she is easy to talk too. She wants to challenge the guy to see if he would continue to try if she doesn’t make any moves. That is where the female and male are quite different. When a guy is speaking to another a guy, the way he converses with him is so much different from how he would speak to another female. It because you do not speak to them like they are a guy. For instances, most guys calling each other “bruh” or “bro”. You would not call a female that when you are communicating with her. She would tell you” I am not a bruh”. Most girls would want you to speak normal when you are speaking to them. Some girls may know the slang but they much rather you speak proper. The only time that guy can speak and interact with a girl like she is a guy is when she wants to fit in with the guys. That’s mostly when she is into sports and games like guys most are. When a female is speaking to a guy, she can sometimes talk a lot. Females could speak close to 250 words a minute and men could speak only to only speak at half of that, at 125. Throughout the day a female could speak up to a staggering 25, 000 words while a male could possibly speak close to 12, 000. When it comes to communicating to a female, she can take away to conversation and could speak more than the guy would like. The result of this is a female thinking that he isn't paying attention or not wanting to talk to her.

The different body languages from the male and females is tremendous. A female rather relies on heavily on the various forms of nonverbal communications. It could be like nodding, eye contact, facial expressions and other forms of nonverbal communication. Females also prefer to speak either sitting down or standing around with others. It can mostly be when they are able to talk face-face. When it comes to the males, they mostly like to speak at a shoulder-to-shoulder at an angle. This allows them to be able to see what going on within the room. They also are more guarded when it comes to showing facial expressions and other nonverbal communications. When you think about it, males and females are one in the same. We all need attention. We all want to be wanted and needed. We mostly want the same things in life. We want money, our dream career, dream house, dream cars, and have a family. Of course, the problem lies with who is the significant other. Of course, that question is something that cannot be told. Only time can tell but I am a firm believer that god made females and male so different because how would life be if we were all one in the same. Life would be identical for everyone and it would not be much different for each person to find the one for them. When I say one in the same, I am saying in some tendencies and areas of life.

Understanding one another is a big step when it comes to building and maintaining a fit and loving relationship. When men and women both appreciate their differences in the way they communicate, they can look for ways to help balance their issues out and find a sort of common ground that will allow them to take into consideration — and possibly discover a way around them.

18 May 2020
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