How Organizational Goals Are Used To Transform Employees

Human capital of any organization can be a competitive advantage if managed and developed well. Mr Olweny could have described Mr Tendo’s behavior under different circumstances for example, when faced with tight deadlines, pressures from home like sick children. Mr Tendo probably became errant every time he didn’t have enough time to finish his work and yet his supervisor didn’t want to listen any excuses. As such he would miss work by getting into binge drinking to forget his work pressures.

Understand why people behave as they do. By being able to describe this behavior, Mr Olweny was able to understand why Mr Tendo behaved like this. By speaking to Mr Tendo about his behavior, Mr Olweny got to know that he was stressed, with sickly children and aging parents who depend on him. His wife is not working and has a tendency of abusing him every time he goes home. There is also some level of conflict with his supervisor because he gives him tight deadlines for work to be accomplished on short notice. All this has made Mr Tendo to act errant, miss work and try to find comfort in drinking. Predict future employee behavior. After understanding Mr Tendo’s behavior, Mr Olweny was now able to predict future behavior i. e when he could probably miss work and get into drinking alcohol. . Therefore this helped him to manage current and future behaviour.

To Manage Mr. Tendo’s current and future behavior by offering him counselling, motivating him through rewards for accomplishing work on time. Mr Olweny often praised Mr Tendo during the staff meeting for being a star performer in his department and would become employee of the year if he kept getting better. Mr Tendo was allowed to contribute ideas on how the department can better be structured in order to have effectiveness and efficiency. Because Mr Tendo was now motivated and empowered, his behavior changed and became a star performer.

Control and develop employees’ activities. When appraised after months of help to recover from his errant and drinking behaviors, Mr Tendo’s performance had greatly improved and Mr Olweny went ahead and gave Mr. Tendo an opportunity to be trained every quarter with the latest software technology of their industry. He became the trainer at the organization and was now in charge of his department following the departure of his supervisor who got another job elsewhere.

In conclusion, it’s important to study human behavior in the organization because people are central to getting the work done, but it can only be done effectively and efficiently once they are understood, their behavior can be predicted and controlled. Organizations big and small, public or private, for profit and not, only succeed when their people succeed.

15 Jun 2020
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