My Goal Lies In Becoming a Good Employee

My goal is be a good employee and have a successful career without ever having to compromise the principles that guide my life. When I say be a good, I mean that I desire to be trustworthy, compassionate, and caring, loving and forgiving, but above all, I would like to be a productive member of society. If I can accomplish my mission, they will bring me personal satisfaction. I have may close friends that I have been blessed with on my life’s journey so far, and they have been vital in helping me become the person I am, and in continuing to become the person I strive to be. I am thankful for them, and place a high value on their friendship and presence in my life. I consider them family and care deeply for then, and will continue to work at maintaining these friendship.

My family has influenced me as far as morals and values, my friends have influenced me in social activities, speech, and clothing. Once a person takes the time to truly get to know me, they tend to see me as one of the greatest girl that they have ever met. I thank God for forgiving me opportunities to meet so many nice people. My life would be very challenging without help from friends. As a group, my friends have helped me to understand myself better as an individual. I would love to soon start my own family and fulfill my professional dreams of owning my own business. Both a family and a business require attention and love. I have learned that even with my biggest struggles thus far in life, I have survived, and that is where my strength comes from. I will continue to make positives out of life’s obstacles, knowing that they will only make me a stronger and better person. I will remind myself that if I live in kindness, honestly, and work hard, I will succeed at anything I set my mind to. I will always value the education I have been given, and will always follow any opportunity that approaches me that will help me learn and grow academically, mentally, and physically.

I believe that success comes your way if you know where to look for it. “Fontbonne University is committed to the common good through the daily pursuit of transformative education, inspiring students to become global citizens who think critically, act ethically and serve responsibly. ” This core document is a summary of what my mission’s life is. The role of this community member are bound by the pursuit of common value and goals. And I see myself as part of that commitment. Contributing to the common good by paying taxes, help people in need and share my knowledge with others. As a student, education is an important aspect of learning in my life that is preparing me to become a well-rounded individual. God is calling us to choose love instead of hate.

18 March 2020
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