Ice Skating Has Created My Personal Identity 

As I enter the double doors, the smell of the crisp icy air fills my pink nose. I gaze into the raw ice in its sleek, unscathed, pure state - I see my reflection. I see a girl with a purpose and the ice is her journey.

India birthed me. Two unknown adults saved me, while one passion created me. Every ice skate is unique in a way that it picks you, rather than you picking it. The ice skate must accustom to the foot much like how adjustment is needed in certain situations. I tie my laces in hopes that I won’t fall, yet it is inevitable that failure will happen. The laces are mere laces. It is the person who tied them that has the power to keep themselves from falling. The ice is a blank, clean surface teeming with possibilities that beacon myself to attempt the impossible. The minute the blade hits the ice, all bets are off. The ice is so cold, yet simultaneously so warm. I feel empowered to leave my mark with each nick and scratch. My sharp blade cuts through the ice with precision and ease. I attempt death defying jumps with the chance that my toepick will save me, but it is the fear of the unknown that pushes me to greatness. A fall is bound to happen sooner or later. The remnants of powdered ice that remain are evidence of defeat, but it is I who brushes it off with confidence and learns from the mistake. Sometimes, I must fall to realize how lucky I am to even have the chance to get back up. It is not my score that defines me, but it is the dedication and work ethic that establishes my purpose. It is my purpose that defines me and my passion that makes me unique. Bruises and bumps come with territory, but it is those very scars that remind me to persevere through the trials of life. The zamboni will soon come and erase all of the marks the other skaters have made, but for one skater who has left everything out on the ice, it’s a clean slate for the next time the ice calls to her destiny.

Adopted from India, I came to this country with hopes to stand out against the competition. As one of the only female skaters representing India in the upcoming Figure Skating World Grand Prix, I knew that failures were inevitable and that growth was optional. Through the sport of figure skating, I have developed a desire for balance not only on the ice but, through my academic, work, and social life. However, no matter how many times the four millimeters of the blade’s stainless steel fails me, I’ve come to realize that persistence is the key to continuing my journey.

As soon as the music starts, it’s no longer a physically demanding sport, but a jeopardized mental game. Skating not only requires one to be athletic, but artistic as well. The ability to speak through movements has opened my eyes to a myriad of possibilities. It has shown me a perspective that has enabled me to develop into a woman who takes charge in situations that require change. Coming from a country with limited athletic opportunities for women, I am able to exemplify that being Indian is beyond the preconceived notion of focusing on academics only. I’m here to initiate a movement and inspire underrepresented girls to be bold and shatter the glass ceiling of societal norms that hinders them from attaining their utmost potential.

For a young girl whose journey started seventeen years ago in the City of Joy, figure skating gave me a chance at a future. I was the voiceless who was given a voice. I am no longer just a face in the crowd, but a force to be reckoned with.

07 July 2022
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