If There is No Struggle There is No Progress

Taking a step forward, moving ahead is called Progress. Progress is moving ahead in any sphere of life. One progresses to growth, to fulfill his/her desires, to accompalish or conquer their dreams. Progress in itself is a motivational entity that promotes development of an individual socially, emotionally, mentally and physically and in many more ways. “If there is no struggle there is no progress” essay explains why it's crucial to do something to make a progress.

The realm of progress dates back to the 19th century, where the social evolution was decribed by August Comet and Herbet Spencer based on the social theories.

Progress is qualitatively and quantitatively associated with every dimension of work. Be it social progress where the count of slavery, assaults illiteracy and decline of poverty are the basis of progress of the society; while Economical progress where the GDP measures the growth of the nation. Mental / Emotional progress indicative of steadfastness in a individual to prosper health. The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man- george bernard shaw The quality of progress lead to establishment of various personalities around the world. It could be advocated to be Slow progress or Fast progress. It might be intimidating for an individual at first; but once gripped you get the taste of it.

low and steady progress is better that a still day. Never discourage an individual with slow progress, it is often said of them to be quite intellectual and sangfroid. A steady progress demand commitment, concentration, consistency, commitment and focus.

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals - Martin Luther King

An individual desires to succeed in life requires patience and ambiguity, to understand their genres of strengths and weakness, be optimistic and diligent. Set goals in fields of your interests and assimilation. Chase one aim at a time, running behind many goats doesn’t fetch you all the meat. Understand the demands of the dimension you want to make progress in.

A humans struggle to attain success excruciates when one desires to achieve incomprehensible goals instead of think calmly and pen down their parameters of goals. Initiate; initiating is better than goggling. Find connections that by default can help you progress. An example is losing weight makes you fit. These are two goal fitting together and accomplished as one. Dismissal is a human tendency, hence one should keep revising the goals on weekly or daily basis and always keep a bottom line for their lazy bump.

In conclusion, a work in progress is always better than thoughts in progress. Typically, work in progress is a technical term used in production and supply management. But otherwise to work in progress denotes the yen of an individual for achievement of success.

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress” – Frederick Douglass

“Actively recognizing progress towards your goal will ultimately end up inspiring you and have you pushing even harder” - Denzel J. Wellington 

11 February 2023
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