Success Story Of Connie Talbot – An English Singer Winning Britain’S Got Talent

Connie Talbot is no stranger to fame and stardom as she rose to fame as a result of her finalist placing on Britain’s Got Talent. Talbot’s “Footprints in the Sand” was the best performance out of these four artists back in 2011. The artist’s initial album release sold 250,000 copies worldwide and reached number one in three countries. Connie Talbot is one of the most influential artists to emerge in the last 20 years. She has the most hits in than any of the other artists; many accomplishments have been achieved by her. Talbot was the youngest to have hit that many albums being such a young age because she was only twelve years old at the time. Her website has hit millions of views and reviews it has gotten to the point where many fans send her multiple gifts per day. Influential artists such as Michael Jackson and Aretha Franklin made lasting impacts on their genres of music and the pop culture of the times they were making music. When,Connie Talbot won “Britain’s Got Talent,” she demonstrated her potential as an influential artist in society.

Many people have said that her music has really put potential in their heart and made them feel less insecure. Being that Connie is a teenager only at the age of seventeen, many young kids have inspired to be like her. She has helped out children with depression and uplifted them to do bigger and better things in their life. Just like the two artists Michael Jackson and Aretha Franklin did. Franklin and Jackson had many fans that inspired to be like them, that they truly uplifted. Connie Talbot has a school named after her, proving that she has become a household name and is continuing to grow her influence in music.

Talbots ‘voice was featured in a video game. She has also appeared in the African Children’s Choir where it was announced she was the ambassador for them. Talbots’ music has hit multiple music charts over the world. Standing at over 1. 2 million followers just on YouTube and over four hundred thousand views in just days. It is hard to imagine that one person can make a significant impact on something as subjective as music, but Connie Talbot has managed to do just this. Many people do not agree that she cannot compete with the legends Michael Jackson and Aretha Franklin she will be as popular as they were in due time. Many people have their opinion on her music but that does not really matter because things like that happen in society all the time. She has been bullied by multiple saying that she looked like a Barbie doll and that she did not look real. In the past two decades, there have been few, if anymore influential artists that have come into their own than Connie Talbot. Starting off at the adolescent age of six years old and albums being the top in three countries decades later is a grand accomplishment. Connie never gave up on her dream, and she continues to live through her music.

15 April 2020
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