Implementation of 'Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere'

Martin Luther King once said: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”, When people mention the word disability you find that every individual come up with their own definition without wanting to know if they are maybe right or not. This quote inspired me that I decided to write 'Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere'' essay to analyse this quote better and find out whether it is actually in connection with pluralism. 

Disability is an individual who suffers from a mental or physical degeneration that restricts one or more key daily activities, they rely on someone to assist them in their everyday requirements and doing their occupations. Despite the fact that handicapped people make up a small percentage of the population and are sometimes disregarded, they are an important component of society and they deserve to be treated like all the other human beings. I have personally experienced what it is like to live in a culture that views disability as contagious disease and how these people have been always labeled as unusual, retarded, or strange for hundreds of years. They were born free and equal in dignity; they have the right to live a normal life; they shall not be tortured or cruelly treated; they have the right to have some privacy; they should feel free expressing their opinions as well as they should get some privacy to be able to have time for themselves. One of the main consequences the disabled people face and suffer from is the ability to get a job since employers are frequently reluctant or unable to provide the necessary accommodations to enable people with disabilities to do their jobs successfully, In poor nations, 80 percent to 90 percent of people of working age with disabilities are unemployed. Moreover education wise, most schools lack the resources to make the required accommodations for handicapped pupils such as lack of specialists and equipment required for each individual having different disability than the other. Personally, I have seen disabled people that always tend to find it difficult to adjust in an environment where they tend to feel unwanted. It was once that I have got the chance to volunteer to help people in need and just being around them made everyone feel their pure side and how such people don’t deserve the discrimination that they are forced to go through.

People with disabilities were seen as inadequate, sad, pitiful individuals who were unsuitable and unable to contribute to society, save as mocked objects of amusement in circuses and exhibits, in the 1800s. People with disabilities were neglected until World War I, when disabled veterans expected the US government to provide rehabilitation in exchange for their service to the country. The first president with a handicap was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, he was a strong supporter of disability rehabilitation, yet he still believed that a disability constituted an abnormality. Despite these first steps in the right path, people with disabilities were still unable to use public transit, make phone calls, use restrooms, or shop at stores like everyone else.and as mentioned before , those with limitations seeking employment, the office buildings and workplaces with stairwells provided no access, and employer attitudes posed even more challenges.

Parents of disabled children were demanding that their children be removed from institutions and asylums and placed in schools where they might participate in society as fully as children without disabilities to help build their personality away from any negativity they might face.

Pluralism played an important role in disability people and their rights, starting with what is pluralism? It is where there are multiple points of view and opinions that may coexist and therefore be respected and understood by others. Many diverse organizations and political groups are allowed to exist in a pluralist society hence, people with disabilities have developed a sense of belonging or what is called a group identity of their own which allows them to share their art, music, writing, and other forms of expression that are infused with their handicap experiences.

11 February 2023
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