Importance of Cultural Relativism in Attaining Cultural Understanding

If the world is divided into continents, society is divided into religion, belief and culture. The society or community obtains a role in an individual's life because it has the ability to influence, nurture and serve as its aspiration in order to be a responsible citizen and member of society. It serves as their training ground wherein an individual is expected to face different sets of struggles already in order to help them get ready as members of the society. Furthermore, it helps an individual comply with social ways and norms which aims to establish social order. People acquire a distinctive set of beliefs, customs and principles from one another. Some assert that these cultural beliefs result in social barriers separating the people from one another. Nevertheless, distinctions in mores are normal and they exist inevitably. Hence, cultural differences are fundamental and are considered as a societal necessity in establishing a well-diversed and steady societal framework. This is importance of cultural relativism in attaining cultural understanding essay in which will be arguments for the importance of cultural relativism. 

Human behavior refers to the way an individual expresses himself through interaction with other people. Hence, it has always been perceived as complex and is composed of three components that operate together. Actions, cognition and emotions are three distinctive aspects of human behavior. It allows an individual to assess, explore and discover how the world operates. It creates ideas, speculations and notions in an individual's mind which serves as a starting phase of expression. Humans are considered as active agents because socialization naturally occurs within them. When these formed behaviors and expressions became widespread, it became a standard and basis of moral, ethics and conformity. UNESCO released a new 3D paradigm which is known as The Three Ds: Diversity, Dialogue and Development. It aims to involve all sectors of society. There has always been an idea that even though society is composed of people of distinction, unification is possible. The model shall serve as an instrument in connecting the links, sensitivity and well-crafted information in attaining the objectives of cultural diversity. It aims to establish peace between races who acquire distinctive customs, principles and values. With the new proposed model by UNESCO, Cross-Cultural Relationships ought to dominate. The Cross-Cultural Relationship refers to the societal applied ideology wherein people who acquire different cultures acknowledge and recognize the other cultural belief other than them. Furthermore, they also practice respect begins respect which establishes healthy connection. As of today, world organizations all over the globe hold different initiatives and social movements that aim to unify cultures, races, different ethnic groups and even religion.

To sum up, culture is more than beliefs and traditions. It is one way of strengthening the natio's sense of identity and practicing it means giving value to one's origin. With the assistance of education about culture and history, I believe that the people, especially the youth, can still free themselves from oblivion. They can be nurtured and offered awareness in order to break those barriers this society has been upholding for decades. Any form of custom, convention or ways have undergone assessment and in-depth evaluation. Itt ought to be protected and preserved even with the presence of social evolution in order to maintain the essence and give recognition to cultural diversity. Cultural relativism is possible because culture by nature is dynamic, changing and diverse.

10 October 2022
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