Innovative: Electronic Motor Screwdriver
Power Tool plays a significant role for a better outcome of the products. It is actuated by an additional power source and mechanism such that workers wouldn’t perform strenuous task. In addition, this mechanical device is far beyond the solely manual labor used with hand tools. On account of this, the only way for us to improve our desired products was innovating our ordinary tool into more valuable, profitable and useful instruments. The inventor suggest the “ Innovative: Electronic Motor Screwdriver” as a substantial power tool rather than a simple screwdriver.
Features and Specifications
Out of an ordinary hand tool, the inventor come up with multitudinous findings in such a way that it provides a lot of improvement on a certain product. This mechanical device is composed of a simple electronic materials. There is no problem with the shop because it almost exist everywhere. The actual size of it was just like the ordinary screwdriver yet the handle occupy a space because of the electronic materials. It has some unique features just like, instead of having a plug, the inventor will use box type battery and since it’s just like portable mechanical device, more suitable and convenient handling will experience.
Market Trends and Opprotunities
This kind of power tool will comfortably manipulate the screw inside and outside. It seems that dynamo rotates always at high-speed, however having a potentiometer rectify the rotation of it. This electronic material manipulate the voltage so that the workers would estimate base on their required speed. There are some electronic screwdriver which seems familiar from what the inventor try to construct. Like the "BOSCH electronic screwdriver", if we look closely, buyers will notice that it has almost the similarities in terms of function. Aside from screw, there are more interesting features of "Innovative: Electronic Motor Screwdriver" like for example: the tip can turn into drilling device. It serves as a 2 in 1 mechanical instrument, more beneficial than the latest version of screwdriver. Its' cost-efficient rather than the other product and at the same time the procedure on how to build was uncomplicated. Also the structure of it is portable because unlike the others, they have an arm which the inventor seems unconvenient.
Materials and Methods
As an aspiring Mechanical Engineer, the Inventor desire to have a contribution on the field of his profession. He construct this innovation to straightforwardly envision the possibility of an ordinary tool to transcend and produce a better product. The procedure will not as difficult as the other product manufactured, there is only one condition in order to establish this mechanical device. And that is to carefully understand and evaluate the function of each electronic materials that will involve on the developement of invention. First thing you need to consider for making this innovation is to complete the materials. These electronic materials can easily found on shop. The materials are box type battery, wire, switch, dynamo, potentiometer, improvised handle, shank and tip(for different class of screws and drill). After the collection of materials, follow the instruction provided the necessary information in making this power tool.
The first part is the size of the device, it must follow the regular size of an ordinary screwdriver. The handle must be different, because it contains the electronic materials. The shank will now shorter because the handle occupied a lot of space. After constructing the handle, connect all electronic materials, create a space for the battery and put the dynamo inside the handle, it must be center and stable. Then create a slot for potentiometer, remember that both dynamo and potentiometer remain stable even though rapid-shaking occur. Then create also a slot for the switch. After placing the materials, connect each of them using wires, the wire from the battery connect through potentiometer, then connect on dynamo, then on switch. Remember that the polarity of charge will be necessary when it connects on switch. The tip must fit on the screw and drill. Eventually, test the mechanical device if it's convenient or not. If not, try again the procedure.
Results and Discussions
The inventor try to figure out a feasible transformation for a certain object. He come up with an idea which from a simple tool, convert into a power tool. It means that the function of two powertool(electric screwdriver and drilling device) combined into one simple mechanical device. According to (do it yourself, n. d. ) “An electric screwdriver is a must-have for do-it-yourself enthusiasts. It’ll help you get things done faster on the home front. You’ve probably had to struggle with an ordinary screwdriver at some point or other. The electric version is an excellent alternative to the ordinary screwdriver” it states the important role of machine to improve our daily life. As supported by (Zheng, 2018) “Under normal circumstances, electric screwdriver used in the production work, it can improve the efficiency of mass production, reduce the labor time, more assembly work can be done per unit time”. However, there are some problems which the mechanical device may possibly encountered. For some instances like the shortage of power, battery with a minimum amount of volt may not acquire for this type of device. Maybe rechargable will improve the quality of the product. Another is that the device may have complications during the actual presentation, the more it’s unstable, the less it become efficient. Despite of this problems, this mechanical device will help workers to lessen their job and can contribute on our life.
This mechanical device have a potential to become an alternative mechanism compared to a drilling machine. Aside from being a cost efficient, individual will produce it because of procedures which are not complicated. Everyone has the possibility to create such device which help them on developing their house, appliances and more. It can significantly contribute the development of tools on this country. By the help of these simple electronic materials create a mechanical devise which will help and improve the lives of everyone.
The inventor would like to acknowledge the presence of Mr. Lowell Alfonso for giving this opportunity to be part of this Science Innovation Expo. For his generosity and patience has been much appreciated. To Family, who cheerfully support to accomplish this invention. And lastly, to our Lord that source of our strength and always guide us in everything.