Integrated Report To Corroborate The Personality Profile
Information/ Relevant Identifying History
Ms Palguni is 20 years female, born out of non-consanguineous parents. She is doing her under graduation in Delhi University. She is temperamentally an easy person. Premorbidly well adjusted, her personal history was nil contributory. Interpersonal relationships were described as satisfactory in both quality and quantity. Lost her father 7 months ago Problems presented Disturbed sleep, mixed symptoms of anxiety and sadness, tiredness, worrying about her faults.
Assessment procedures
Clinical interview with Ms Phalguni 16 pf and Behavioral assessment system for Children-II- Collage Behavioral Observations
Ms Phalguni arrived on time for the assessment accompanied alone. Rapport was easily established and she appeared interested and motivated. It would appear from the questionnaire that Ms Phalguni has responded openly and honestly. Her appearance and grooming were adequate and appropriate. Attention and effort were age appropriate. Her mood and affect were observed to be normal and congruent. She was fluent in oral English language. No gross deficits in thought patterns or reality testing were noted. Signs of impulsivity or carelessness were not observed. Instructions were followed carefully and understood without apparent difficulty. Repetition and emphasis were not needed. Motivation to succeed and perform well appeared to be adequate. Responses were usually made in a reflective, thoughtful manner. In general, the obtained results are considered a valid and reliable sample of her percent level of functioning. She has presented a self image that is neither markedly self critical nor overly positive. Most work was completed with an orderly plan and self-correction. Shows symptoms of perfectionist and obsessive traits.
Social Emotional abilities were measured on Behavioral Assessment System (BASC-II) - scale for college students. Following paragraphs will discuss her abilities and the interpretation of the information gathered by this scale. I
Internalizing Problems: Anxiety, Depression and Somatization, it is likely that her tendency to experience anxiety/ depression is above average range. Her profile shows tendency to behave in an immature and odd manner. And also shows a tendency to develop depression in the wake of stressors which can interrupt her overall functioning of life. 16PF Questionnaire is used to identify patterns of behavior in a wide variety of real life circumstances.
Relating to others concerns the extent to which an individual prefers to be around others, and the quality and quantity of their social relationships. At a broad level, Ms Phalguni’s style of Relating to Others can be described as follows: She is likely to prefer a balance of time spent with others and time on her own. In more detail, her style is characterised by:
- A desire to remain emotionally detached from most others.
- Not at an ease in social settings and sensitive to criticism.
- A strong desire to spend time alone and to work independently, rather than in groups and teams.
a. Initiating and developing relationships
It is likely that Ms Phalguni is very selective about those with whom she wishes to be close, restricting her warm relationships to a chosen few. She is capable of being open and friendly to others, the situation may have an effect on when they may be observed as personable. Equally in some situations she may appear rather more distant and less inclined to express her feelings She will generally be more focused on tasks than on people. She may be open and forthright about herself when she feels comfortable doing so. However, it is likely that she will be selective about the kind of information she chooses to reveal, restricting personal information to her closer friends, or to situations where she feels it is appropriate. Her tendency to be wary and untrusting of other people may also contribute to her preference to preserve a distance between herself and others. Certainly this attitude is likely to adversely affect her interactions with others and may act as a barrier to other people getting close to her.
b. Liveliness and excitement-seeking
Ms Phalguni sees herself as combining an enthusiastic approach to life with a preference for thinking before she speaks or acts. New people are likely to be a source of interest and excitement for her, and she may be perceived as lively and entertaining. However, she will not constantly be looking for this kind of stimulation, and is probably able to focus on particular people or situations without becoming bored. It is likely that when she does feel the need to be spontaneous and seek excitement, she will have the social confidence to express this desire.
c. Social situations and work settings
She will be happy to speak in front of others and prefers to work autonomously and solve problems alone. She is likely to be self-sufficient and to value her independence and in making decisions, without seeking or needing the support or opinions of others. This implies that she is unlikely to be at her best when working in a team, and that she will feel constricted by a work environment that requires close and frequent collaboration with others. This is in line with her wish to remain detached from others; if she does have to work in a team she will prefer to focus on the task and keep her relationships with her team members on a professional footing.
Influence and collaboration describes the extent to which Ms Phalguni is interested in asserting their opinions and influencing others, as opposed to accommodating themselves to other people and collaborating with them. At a broad level, Ms Phalgun's Influence and Collaboration profile can be described as follows: She prefers to influence her environment and assert her will, and may be quite forceful in doing so. In more detail, her style is characterised by:
- A tendency to be assertive and wish to influence.
- Confidence in expressing opinions and in pursuing independent goals.
- A likelihood that she will experiment with new and different ways of doing things.
a. Desire for influence
She is likely to express her views, and will probably hold to them even if others disagree. She will generally be comfortable in positions of influence. Her ease around others and in groups is likely to contribute to her readiness to assert her views, as she is probably not worried about what others think of her. Assertive and pushy when dealing with others. She is happy to take charge of a situation, and give clear instructions and orders but domineering with less assertive colleagues. she may be generally socially confident, whilst capable of easy communication with most, she may not push herself forward, but will join in as invited or as the situation seems suitable.
b. Independence of thought
Ms Phalguni is likely to be not trusting others and independent thinker. She also wishes to assert herself and influence others, and is likely to be extremely vocal about her opposition to people and their views. However, there is a risk that she may come across to others as negative, tending to see the problems with an argument rather than the benefits.
c. Seeking new experiences and challenges Her enthusiasm for new ideas, experiences and ways of doing things will contribute to her tendency to think independently. She is likely to be actively involved in the pursuit of new experiences. In addition, she may share her opinions about new ideas and encourage others to try new experiences and new ways of doing things. She sees herself as someone who is likely to take an unconventional or expedient stance towards achieving her goals or getting what she wants.
Thinking style concerns the ways in which an she processes information and makes decisions; that is, the extent to which they will take an objective and unsentimental approach, have a practical and concrete focus, and value the status quo, compared to the extent to which they will be interpersonally sensitive, subjective and interested in new ideas and experiences. At a broad level, her Thinking Style can be described as follows: She is usually likely to be receptive to and interested in people, and in feelings, the imagination, and new experiences. Emotions and intuition will tend to be important to her and how she makes sense of the world. She may be interested in aesthetics, ideas and theories. In more detail, her Thinking Style is characterised by:
- A strong likelihood that she will consider tasks more than people when making decisions.
- A preference for using both objective logic and subjective impressions when making decisions.
- A strong likelihood that she will focus on theories and concepts.
- Taking in information.
It is likely that Ms Phalguni will focus on the practical and concrete rather than on abstract ideas. She could also be rigid in the way that she takes in information and comes to conclusions.
a. Making decisions
When solving problems and making decisions, A further hypothesis derived from the profile indicates Ms Phalguni’s self sufficiency, able to make independent decisions rather than interacting with others. It may be that particular situations will determine whether she relies more on her feelings or on objective logic, or it is possible that her customary style is to consider both. However, her strong tendency to distance herself emotionally from others implies that although she might be concerned about the impact of her decisions on others, this is generally unlikely to sway her judgment, and she is probably able to defend tough decisions, prioritising the task and dealing with emotional fall-out by emphasising the practical, logical benefits.
b. Creativity and change
She is likely to experiment with new ideas and approaches in problem situations, likely to be very interested in unusual or unconventional people, but this will generally manifest itself in attempts to understand their ideas and views rather than as a desire to form close relationships with them.
c. Planning and organizing
Ms Phalguni reports an approach that sometimes makes use of planning and structure She has a strong sense of duty and responsibility. She may be persevering and is inclined to be neat, tidy and well organized. And has a high standard for herself and others. Meticulous and systematic in her work, like to have a routine to follow and can be perfectionistic.
d. Attitude to rules and regulations
She describes a likelihood of not feeling bound by externally imposed rules and regulations. This is not to say that she will always disregard rules; she may be governed by a set of her own, conventional standards of behaviour.
Management of pressure concerns the characteristic ways in which she experiences and copes with stress. It focuses on four areas: how calmly the she deals with life's demands; how trusting she is of other people; her level of self-criticism and her physical tension. It is important to note that Ms Phalguni’s profile on this scale may be based on general state of mind, or it could reflect what is going on in her life when she was completing the questionnaire. At a broad level, Ms Phalguni’s Management of Pressure style can be described as follows: She sees herself as more stressed and worried than most other people. There may be specific times or situations that are more difficult for her to cope with than others. In more detail, Ms Phalguni’s style is characterised by:
- Currently she may not be able to deal calmly with life's demands.
- A tendency to believe that other people will try to take advantage of her.
- A typically confident attitude with little inclination towards self-criticism and blame.
- A moderate level of physical tension.