Intercultural Communication And Its Benefits

Intercultural communication is a regulation that studies connection across particular cultures and social groups, or how civilization affects communication. This explains the wide range of communication processes and issues that naturally occur within an organization made up of individuals from different religious, social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds. In this way it seeks to know more about people from different countries and cultures act communicate and distinguish the world around them. A lot of people in intercultural business communication argue that culture determines how one encode messages, what medium they select for transmitting them, and the way messages are translated. With regard to intercultural communication proper, it studies situations where people from different cultural backgrounds interact. Apart from language, focuses on social attributes, thought patterns, and the cultures of different groups of people. It also involves understanding the different cultures, languages and customs of people from other countries Diversification appears in different forms. Gender roles, race, different cultural groups and even migrant. In place where there is diversity, intercultural communication is important. Many tend to find divergence in work places, hospitals, schools and family. Most of the human beings do not seem to understand that there are words that one cannot use in certain areas because of the distinction. In the video “Pass or Fail in Cambodia Town” shows how American-Asian communities are still struggling in the United States. Looking at the numbers, less than 65% of the Cambodians graduate from the high schools.

In order to get knowledge of their diversity, it is important to also understand their struggles. Most people argue that culture determines how individuals conceal and preserve messages, what mediums they choose for transmitting and broadcast them, and the way messages are interpreted and understood. It all depends on the aspect and the component on the culture itself. It is also affected by the communication skill from the group of people and how they interact with each other in day today activities. Language is symbol system that used for people to communicate with each other in their country. But also certain language can be interpret by others which define whom that value and try to achieve a perfect concept of intercultural communication itself. Values are culture defined standards that people use as guideline in social interpretation, such as what to do is right and what they believe to be right in their daily practice. Norm is any establishment of rule and expectations that guides the behavior which means anything that a group of people usually do to maintain their behavior. Beliefs are special thoughts or idea that people hold on trusting that it is true and never been wrong, and beliefs also clarify religion also make a culture different from the others.

Culture also has the characteristics. There are many characteristics of the culture and the first are culture is created and learned by group of people. In this group of people culture is shared between them. Culture can be transmitted from past and to the future means that culture can be passing down to generations. Culture is something dynamic and always changing by time following concept of how the world changes. Culture prescribes behavior and attitude which means culture define and shape the behavior of the people in that group according to their prescriptions. Communication is a dynamic, systemic process in which meanings are created and reflected in human interaction with symbols. The process is ongoing and ever changing. It is contextual, always taking place in a specific location. Communication never takes place in a vacuum situation. When we do communicate with another human being, we can only infer what she or he is experiencing because no two human beings have the same experiences leading up to that specific communication event. It is the culture we are born into that gives meaning to our experiences and helps us to define our world or how it is going to be. The meanings we give to events shape our world and fulfill our expectation. Our brain functions as an open system and we learn from each encounter and add to our system of knowledge from past and present events.

Most of our culture is transmitted through unconscious communication acts and behaviors. These ideas are received by imitating, observing, and interacting with others, and we are not even aware we are receiving these messages. The major perspective that was developed is traditional, interpretive and critical. 20th century shows that technology imperative cause people more frequently come to contact with each other that differ. The mobility around the world has become easier and changing demographic also increases the need of cross cultural understanding. By understanding this asset, a person might gain certain beneficence such as personal empowerment, a freedom from ignorance and also a productive relationship. This three benefits of intercultural apprehension not only bring success individually but also to an industry or the country itself.

10 October 2020
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