Electronics As A Drug To People

With the development of technology, smart devices are becoming an important tool to finish most human works. We can do everything online and get information from all over the world through the Internet without leaving home. However, electronics have changed the lifestyles for most of the people. When you step on the bus, you will see that most of the people focus on their phone. People would like to stay at home rather than go outside. Is it electronics bad for us?

A very common worry about the over dependency and usage of electronics such as iphones and computers is that being exposed to the blue light waves and UV lights will hurt and damage your eyes in the long run. (Cummins,“Screens Are Killing Your Eyeballs, and Now We Know How.”) It is tested and well known that too much screen time is going to hurt your eyes, especially in places where most college students and anyone else will use in is the dark. The lights will hurt your eyes and stretch your lenses when it was already adjusted to the dark room surrounding you. (Reints,“The Blue Light Emitted From Electronics Can Cause Accelerated Blindness, Study Finds.”). Kids are getting glasses and contact lenses at a younger and younger ages, it’s just not beneficial to not regulate screen time. Even the health department of US says that 60% of children under 2 are using screen media (“Television/Screen Time and Health.”) while the health department of australia follows up with that screen time for kids younger than 2 will, “affect the development of the full range of eye movement”. (“14. Inactivity and Screen Time.”)

Although that doesn’t apply directly to everyone else who has more developed eyes, it goes to show how an overuse or overexposure of such a device will damage your eyes. No one is Superman, your eye muscles will deteriorate and you will have vision loss even if your eyes are perfectly healthy up till you’re fully developed. If the Department of Health’s recommendations and standards don’t mean too much to you, that’s fine, everyone has a different level of exposure before your eyes start to hurt. But what everyone is equally affected in, is the possible chance that you may be too used into it. It isn’t a bad thing to have access to a near infinite amount of knowledge. It isn’t a bad thing to have a connection and conversation with people around the world like distant relatives you can email and talk to. And it surely isn’t a bad thing to have your work and play times devoted to online sources as some programs and apps like Microsoft Word are a game changer for workplaces.

But what is a huge problem is that we as a whole, depend so much on it, that we cannot cut down screen time to save our eyes from being slowly fried. The dependency on blue screens is a rather new socially acceptable thing. There is just more pros than cons to using the computer or your smartphone to have access to pretty much everything the world offered for hundreds of years, in a single ounce of chips and a near infinite resource pool online. But over time, being healthy is more important than work or or socializing or games online. Not that we should abandon this technological advancement altogether, but moderation, is key. “Nearly a third of American children live in a household where the television is on all or most of the time.” (“Television/Screen Time and Health.”).

Excluding computer and phones, the amount of screen time is already skyrocketing, who’s going to turn off the screen when everything exciting is happening beyond our reach? No one! When the moderation is not met, when the power and fascination of internet exploration is only getting more and more interesting every year, people get lost in the web. Now, not literally lost, but lost in thought, lost in mind, lost themselves and indulged into an unhealthy amount of screen time. A less pleasant way to phrase this would be, addiction. With so many colorful pages to click on and so many millions of videos online that would attract us to click on the next recommended YouTube video, it is no surprise, that teens and adults alike are succumbing to the vast and ever growing web that we all like to surf so much.

Addiction to the web like all other addictions will be problematic for your daily lives. You won’t only work on your research papers when you can listen to some music along the way. You won’t be getting yourself prioritized when you have fallen into and stuck on the web. And you most definitely won’t be doing yourself any favors spending 10-12 hours a day enjoying one of the many aspects of the web that attracts your attention. As long as you take proper precautions and know how to moderate your time spent online, you should be fine. But alas, few can obtain such self control. To be honest, those people with self control can fully utilize the electronics. Under their hands, electronics have better use for our life. People have more available time with the assistances from electronics, it also shorten the distance between each other.

The whole world is covered by a huge Internet, those electronics turn those information to data, and sending to all over the world through the Internet. I hope the electronics won’t be a ‘drug’ to people. Thousands of kids and adults are harmed by electronics because of addiction. People would like to stop thinking and let the electronic do the work. This isn’t the right way to use it. Humans develop technology for the excavation of the human creativity. If we use it right and do it right, electronic will be the helpful assistant to be better. Electronics is not bad for us.

11 February 2020
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