Julius Roberts Oppenheimer and His invention of the Atomic Bomb

What is the first thing that comes to mind if you think atomic bomb? Perhaps it’s a nuke, or the Manhattan Project, possibly even World War Two with Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Not many people think of the inventor of this deadly weapon of mass destruction and that is strange because he did so much for the United States, leaving a legacy to keep close and at arm's length as it is still the most powerful weapon known to date. Most people would not recognize the name J. Roberts Oppenheimer as they would more well-known important inventors such as Benjamin Franklin but unlike Benjamin franklin, J Roberts Oppenheimer is known best for his invention of the atomic bomb. The Atomic Heritage Foundation claimed, “He is often referred to as the father of the atomic bomb” for being the main director over the Manhattan project.

Because of his background and his ability to peruse a career through physics and energy J Roberts Oppenheimer could have a major part to play in the inventing and creation of the atomic bomb. The inventor J Roberts Oppenheimer's life changed the world, because of his invention and his energy expertise he has become famous as his invention is still used and improved to this date. In this paper, the concept of the Inventor J Roberts Oppenheimer will detail his life, his accomplishments of his and his invention, and the present improvements it provides, also the future applications of this invention.

J Robert's background according to Software & Multimedia states of him was born on April 22, 1904, in New York. Roberts Oppenheimer was the son of an artist and a wealthy German textile merchant where he grew up in an Ethnic society social school. where this allowed him time to delve into science over the years he was selected to manage the Manhatten project in 1942 due to the accomplishments he had earned up to this point in his life. After the war “Oppenheimer was appointed Chairman of the General Advisory Committee to the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), serving from 1947 to 1952.”

J Roberts Oppenheimer is known for his accomplishments, as well as his awards stated from states, he has earned the following awards: Enrico Fermi Award 1963, Presidential Medal for Merit 1946, Member, American Philosophical Society 1945, Fellow, National Academy of Sciences 1941, Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

As well as earning these awards his accomplishments he has bestowed have impacted schools according to IAS he as a” Theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer served as the third Director of the Institute from 1947 until 1966, thus far the longest tenure of any Institute Director. Prior to his Directorship, in 1942” citation needed meaning he has done something that even directors to date have not come to serving.

Current day standards would support that there are lots of current positive occurrences because the United States has nuclear weapons. The best example of this would be Occupy Theory's ideas on the pros and cons of the nuclear weapons they believe that the possession of nuclear weapons leads to global defense, Power supply, and War deterrent. Thou at the costs of maintenance, lack of morals, the environmental impacts, as well as physical damages it could bring.

Our future aspects show that due to the newer treaties being put into place several nuclear-based technologies shall halt due to it being a new violation to the comprehensive test ban. Several things will not be developed an example provided from The Future of Technological Weapon without Nuclear Testing would be “The nuclear-weapon states will be unable to develop radically new designs of nuclear weapons such as the nuclear explosion-pumped explosion x-ray laser”. Meaning we are not to improve or tinker with the idealism of our nukes as it would be a breaking of the treaty.

This invention has provided safety to our nation through the idea that it is a safeguard, giving me the ability to know that I will not be nuked in our sleep without our nation fighting back. I know that the United States went into an arms race with Russia during the cold war making enough missiles to destroy the world three hundred times over. Thinking back on this though this inventor has not come up in a lot of my history classes, but the atomic bomb always intrigued me giving me more of an insight to one of my favorite game franchises, “Fallout. knowing the context of who invented this item and how it could have changed our lives if it was to be turned on us, intrigued me. Such as this game has shown. This invention has not affected my generation much though as we do not have to deal with it. Only the president and other nations have the ability over these weapons of mass destruction, and we wait idly by telling something happens with them and joke about it like these massive weapons are just jokes.

In conclusion, the atomic bomb and the inventor behind it improved the world in many ways first with the inventor made world-breaking accomplishments and yet most people have no knowledge of it, but the inventions are known and massively talked about and fanaticized by today through games and movies. Our future fears the ideas that could transpire while our past desired the power to topple other nations putting that into perspective That may be the reason why the inventor isn't known massively. because of the fear he has brought, through the acts of national defense.

01 August 2022
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