Lewis Carroll And Fantasy World Of Children In Alice’S Adventures In Wonderland

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Analysis Of Children’s Fantasy World

“All in a golden afternoon,” wherever the sudden journey all began. Lewis Carroll, the brilliant, venturesome imagination, defying forecast with ever fresh surprise; the sense of humor in it’s a finest and most naive form; the power to touch with the lightest hand the undercurrent of pathos within the thick of fun. The local clergyman summarizes him. (“Lewis Carroll: Later years and Death”) The novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland centered to be the great example of literary nonsense and fantasy (“Biography of Lewis Carroll”) Thus, the this paper aims to talk about the fantasy world of children1830s Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

The British author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ( Lewis Carroll ) is also a poet, mathematician, photographer, teacher and an illustrator. Charles was born at January 27, 1832, in Daresbury Cheshire, England. He is the eldest boy but the third child in his family. He grows up in a strict Christion household. He was baptized at July 11, 1832, in the church. (“Biography of Lewis Carroll”) In his early years, he mostly read religious books. Charles Dodgson Lutwidge takes his father as his role model and wishes to be like his father. Mathematics is his father’s favorite thing. It’s the very reason that Charles grew to love mathematics in his early years. His father also has high hopes for Charles Dodgson to study mathematics and study at Oxford University. (“Lewis Carroll: Childhood”)

August 1, 1844, Charles Dodgson went to boarding and co-educating school called Richmond. January 27, 1846, he enrolled at Rugby School. Rugby is one of the oldest independent school in Britain. The years Charles Lutwidge Dodgson stayed at Rugby School was a nightmare to him because of his diffident, subtle personality. He was bullied by the other schoolmates. He wrote this afterward: “During my stay I made I suppose some progress in learning of various kind, but none of it was done with love, and I spent an incalculable time in writing out imposition. ” (“Charles Dodgson Lutwidge”) Despite the things happened to him at Rugby School, he still achieves his high standard at school. December 1849, Charles starts the life at Oxford University, but the shortage of accommodation and his mother’s death made him backed to Croft, then returned to Oxford University again. (“Biography of Lewis Carroll”)

When Charles Dodgson was still little, he excelled in mathematics and won many academic prizes. At the age of twenty, Charles Dodgson was awarded a studentship to Christ College. Aside from serving as a lecturer in mathematics, Charles was an avid photographer and wrote essays, political pamphlets, and poetry. (“Lewis Carroll Biography”) Charles Dodgson Lutwidge married to his first cousin Frances Jane Lutwidge. They had eleven children together, ten of their children were born at the town of Daresbury. Charles Dodgson Lutwidge has an Oxford University mathematician lecturer, he was required to take Holy Order and stay unmarried. After the marriage with his cousin Frances Jane, he backed to the country and became a curate at All Saint’s Church. (“Lewis Carroll”)

Charles Dodgson Lutwidge was a bad stammer, but he found himself vocally fluent when speaking to children. The relationships he had with young people in his adult years are his great interest, as they undoubtedly became his inspiration for his best-known writings. He loved to entertain children, and it was Alice Liddell, who can be credited with his pinnacle inspiration. She spent many hours with Charles Dodgson, while he told fantastic tales of the dream world. During the picnic with Alice and her two sisters, Charles Dodgson told the first iteration of what would later become Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. When Alice arrived home, she exclaimed that he should write the story down for her. Charles Dodgson fulfilled her request, and through a series of coincidences, the story fell into the hands of the novelist Henry Kingsley, who urged Carroll to publish it. (“Biography of Lewis Carroll”)

There are myth talks about that Charles Lutwidge Dodgson might be a pedophile based on his photographs due to his passion photography of naked children; therefore Alice Liddell was one of the victims. (“Lewis Carroll’s Shifting Reputation”)Myth remains a myth, nowhere to find the truth for this. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was published three years later at November 26, 1865, by Macmillan with Illustration of John Tenniel. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was beloved not only by children but also by beloved by adults. After the publishing success of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, he then published things like An Elementary Treatise on Determinant With their Application to Simultaneous Linear Equations and Algebraically Geometry and his famous poems The Crocodile, Echoes, A Game of Fives, A Sea Dirge, The Walrus and the Carpenter, and All in the Golden Afternoon. (“Publishing timeline”)

Aside from other things, Charles is also talented in illustration. He was the original illustrator of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Charles’s illustration followed the nineteenth century British caricature tradition. “This style is composed of exaggeration and theatrical techniques to dramatic and cosmetic effect“ The style was popular in the 1830’s and 1840’s. Charles Dodgson Lutwidge made this style classic. (“Lewis Carroll”) Charles Dodgson Lutwidge had the serious sickness of extreme coughing which cause his right ear deaf. Unfortunately, he suffered from insomnia. He is 6’1 and is underweight for his height, only eating one meal a day. (Alister) After of his father passed away in 1868, Charles was already in a great depression. He also suffered from his sickness. January 14, 1898, he passed away (66 years old). He died of pneumonia at his sister’s house in Guildford, England. He was buried at the Mountain Cemetery in Guildford, England. (“Lewis Carroll: Later years and Death”)

“A Literary Analysis on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ”

Alice is on a riverbank resting on her sister’s lap. Suddenly ,she sees an abnormal rabbit who is wearing a watch and saying: “Oh God, I’m running lap. Alice is much curious then follows the rabbit down a rabbit hole to a crazy phantasm world. After arriving the destination where the rabbit hole ends. Alice s trying to find where the rabbit is. Unfortunately, Alice was not able to detect where the rabbit goes. But Alice discovers a very tiny door compare to her size, which leads to a lovely garden. After many difficulties and trials about the size of passing through the tiny door, Alice was finally able to enter the charming world behind the tiny door. Alice encounters many ridiculous creatures along the venturesome in the Wonderland. Alice had run into an arrogant Duchess, a baby who becomes a pig, a cat that warned Alice everyone in the wonderland is always mad, and a Cheshire Cat which can turns into a scary smile that baffle Alice. She also attends a boring tea party with the Mad Hatter and the March Hare. The tea party is set under the table beneath the tree in front of March Hare’s house. Alice thinks the tea party is the most stupid event that she had attended. After many unexpected experiences at the wonderland, Alice is now confuses about her identity as everything happens goes different or opposite from what she once knew and believed. She had no choice but try to adjust her physical dimensions and thinking to fit in the surrounding.

Alice participates the trial of the Knave of Hearts compulsorily. In the process the trial of the Knave of Hearts, the Queen orders executions. But none of the orders was actually implemented. Alice is called to be the witness the trial of the Knave of Hearts who was accused of stealing a tart. When the confrontation is going on, Alice uncontrollably of growing tall and explanation has offended the Queen of Hearts. The Queen then demands to terminate Alice’s life. Alice grows to full size and stands up against the Queen of Heart. Where Alice was calm enough to thinks about all the things that she has encountered. Alice realized all this are just a dream of her, she could control it by waking up. She then stand up for herself and tells the Queen that they are nothing but just a deck of play card. Like how could a mere manifestation of an object do something to her? Alice wakes up on her sister’s lap again and knew everything was all just a dream of her. Alice tells her sister about those adventures she experiences at Wonderland. Indeed, Alice will keeps her childlike, adventurous, and bravely spirit when she grows old.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’s Character Analysis


Alice is a respectful girl with lots of curiosity and imagination. She is mild, polite, and gentle. She represents a childlike, pristine love and passion. Although she had been through many challenges and adventures, and she was upset and confused. She was able to put it off easily and cheer up quickly after. She grows more mindful and positive through the story goes.

Queen of Hearts

The Queen of Heart is an irritable and explosive creature. She rules over the wonderland with despotic rules. She is constantly giving command of decapitate of the creature in wonderland when someone or something went against her will. But these order were never actually been implemented.

White Rabbit

The White Rabbit is the courier of Queen of Hearts and King of Hearts. He wears a white waist coat and pocket watch. He often appears in the story in the haste and late.


The Hatter is a man who is always mad. Ever since time stopped working for him. He takes Tea Party along with March Hare and Dormouse. When Alice joined the Tea Party she finds it to be the stupidest event.


White Rabbit

The white Rabbit in the story always in the hurry. Alice never catches up the White Rabbit. The White Rabbit can symbolizes the passage of time. Just as the White Rabbit is hurried, time flies.

The Cheshire Cat

The Cheshire Cat acts a role model for Alice. Giving her advice and help her to understand wonderland. The Cheshire Cat can represent guidance.

Queen of Hearts

The Queen of Hearts can be seen as the heart Alice struggles to grow up. She is afraid the Victorian expectation of women. During Victorian time, women were expected to be married at the age of twenty-five. Restrain their emotions, and take care of the household chores and become the property of the husband. The Queen of Hearts represents the Victorian expectation.


The unavoidable loss of childhood’s innocence

The Wonderland can be views as the adult’s world. Everything seems different and hard to understand for Alice. Alice’s thinking was shaken and confused by the Wonderland. She encounters many creatures and things disregard her sense of order. In order to go through Wonderland, she had to follow and rely on the order of Wonderland. Although Queen of Heart rules the Wonderland ridiculous and tyranny, but they are still under her authority. Adult’s world is complicated and full of injustices. But for someone to fit in and consider of grown up he must adjust to the unjust and ridiculous things. All Alice’s discomfort and changing of size represents the unavoidable loss of childhood’s innocence.

Confusion of self-identity when changes come

Alice was confused who she really is after so many times of physical change. She told Caterpillar that she can’t explain who she is, she remembered how was she in the morning but after so many changes she is puzzled about her identity. Alice feels different, and she can’t tell that she is still the same. The baby turns into a pig, the Cheshire Cat turns into a smile, the Queen turns into a card. She can’t determine the identity by the outer appearance or world. When she focused inside, and fearless, she was able to awake from the dream.


Lewis Carroll is a great author at the area of literary nonsense. The Alice's Adventures in Wonderland shows a fantasy world out of a child’s imagination. The events portrayed in the book have a deeper meaning behind these. In the story, Alice keeps on adjusting herself again and again for her to fit the environment around her. The story can serves as a motivation to those people who are struggling growing up to lives up to people's expectations.

31 October 2020
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