Major Events Of The Spanish-American War


The Spanish-American War, fought between the United States and Spain in 1898, marked a significant turning point in history. This essay presents an argumentative analysis of the major events that shaped the course of the war, including the explosion of the USS Maine, the Battle of Manila Bay, the Battle of San Juan Hill, and the signing of the Treaty of Paris. The war's outcomes not only transformed the geopolitical landscape but also reshaped America's role as a global power and brought significant changes to the territories involved.

The Spanish-American War was triggered by the mysterious explosion of the USS Maine battleship on February 15, 1898, while it was docked in Havana, Cuba. The incident resulted in the death of 260 American sailors. Though the exact cause of the explosion remains uncertain, the event fueled anti-Spanish sentiments in the United States. The rallying cry "Remember the Maine!" became a call to arms, intensifying public support for military action against Spain and leading the U.S. government to declare war on April 25, 1898.

On May 1, 1898, the U.S. Navy, under the command of Commodore George Dewey, scored a decisive victory in the Battle of Manila Bay in the Philippines. The American fleet destroyed the Spanish Pacific Squadron, effectively gaining control of the Philippines. This victory demonstrated the strength and capabilities of the United States as a naval power and marked the beginning of its expansion into overseas territories. The Philippines would later become an important colony for the United States until its independence in 1946.

One of the most iconic land battles of the Spanish-American War was the Battle of San Juan Hill, fought on July 1, 1898, during the Cuban campaign. Led by future President Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders, the U.S. forces, along with the African American Buffalo Soldiers, engaged in intense combat against Spanish troops entrenched on San Juan Hill and Kettle Hill near Santiago de Cuba. The victory in this battle showcased the courage and determination of American troops and bolstered national pride. It also played a crucial role in securing the eventual defeat of the Spanish forces in Cuba.

The Spanish-American War officially came to an end with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898. The treaty marked the conclusion of hostilities between the United States and Spain. Under the treaty's terms, Spain ceded control of several territories to the United States, including Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines, effectively ending Spain's colonial empire. The United States emerged as a global power, gaining new territories and increasing its influence in the Caribbean and the Pacific. However, the treaty's aftermath also raised debates about imperialism and the responsibilities of the United States as a colonial power.


The Spanish-American War was a pivotal moment in history, characterized by significant events that shaped the geopolitical landscape and America's role as a global power. From the explosion of the USS Maine to the battles of Manila Bay and San Juan Hill, the war demonstrated the strength and capabilities of the United States military. The signing of the Treaty of Paris marked the end of the war and brought about significant changes in territorial control. However, the war's outcomes also sparked debates about imperialism and the responsibilities of the United States as an expanding nation. Ultimately, the Spanish-American War set the stage for America's emergence as a major player on the international stage and laid the foundation for its involvement in global affairs in the 20th century.

02 August 2023
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