Malnutrition – One Of The Urgent Problems Nowadays

Malnutrition is a common Health problem. It is the unhealthy condition that results from not eating enough food or not eating enough healthy food. Also, it is the general term for the medical condition caused by an improper insufficient diet. This is a serious condition that occurs when person diet doesn’t contain the right and enough amount of nutrients. These are kinds of malnutrition, one is the under nutrition, when the body did not get enough nutrients and over nutrition it is when the body get more nutrients that you need.

Malnutrition’s is the one of the serious problems nowadays, especially for the developing country. Some of the reasons why many people experiencing malnutrition is lack of food, this is common among the low-income group as well as those are homeless. Next is for loosing their appetite, who have a limited knowledge about nutrition tend to follow unhealthy diet with not enough nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are at a risk of malnutrition.

Elderly living alone, or young students living on their own often have difficulty cooking healthy balance meals for themselves, they do not have time to cook for their self, instead eating healthy and cook healthy food they prefer to eat instant food which is not good. To those who have eating disorder like anorexia nervosa have difficulty maintaining adequate nutrition. And also, people who have abuse drugs and are chronic alcoholics can be experience malnutrition, however these can be prevented through eating plenty of fruit, vegetable, bread, rice, potatoes or other starchy food. Some milk, dairy foods, meat fish, eggs and other source of protein. Parents should give their child a proper and healthy food. Avoid giving junk foodan soda drinks. The school must implement and conduct a feeding program for the malnourish students. Same as those who are obese malnourished children because they think they are healthy but not! If their parents do not have enough source of income, they can plant fruits and vegetable to their backyard and if the parent is struggling to feed their child, they can make creative food so that the child can be encouraged to eat.

31 October 2020
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