My Fantasy City in the Himachal Pradesh State

If I were going to build a brand-new city, I would place it in the Himachal Pradesh state in India in the Himalayan mountains. The Himachal Pradesh region encompasses the northwest through the southeast regions of the Himalayan mountains. The region experiences extremely hot to dry and cold weather, which allows plants to grow in these extremes. Several bodies of the water drain themselves in the Himalayan Pradesh. This creates an environment that can be used for freshwater and hydroelectricity. The incredible environmental aspects that are present in the home al Pradesh and the sheer potential made it my choice.

There are several bodies of water in the Himalayan Mountains. The water can be used for travel, drinking, and powering the surrounding area, which is invaluable. Most of the food and other goods in my city will come from other parts of the Himalayan Mountains. I would import goods from the western Himalayas and surrounding countries like India and Bhutan. Transhumance and animal husbandry are practiced throughout all of these regions. Sheep, goats, and yaks are raised in graze on lands in the Himalayan mountains. These animals are used for milk, butter, meat, and wool.

Most people in this city work in agriculture, pastoralism, transhumance, horticulture, and forestry. A new in developing trade would be in manufacturing with new plants being built and developing new areas. Alcoholic beverages might be developed using grapes from other regions in the Himalayan mountains. Agricultural fertilizers and assisting tools might also be processed in these factories. Processed foods and woodworking might also be lucrative for manufacturing. Many people work in the mineral and forest industries. The Himachal Pradesh region where my city would be located would produce a majority of the hydroelectric power in the region. Many people would work for building and maintaining these hydropower plants, and work in reforestation programs to restore the natural environment.

Tourism, agriculture, animal husbandry, and hydroelectric power would be large industries in my city. All of these industries would be vital to the development and function of my city. They would already be present because these are natural resources that are unique to the Himalayan mountain range. It would be vital for me to explore and use them efficiently, to produce the best results and actively grow and maintain my city. The true potential of the hydroelectric energy that is present in the Himachal Pradesh range of the Himalayan Mountains has not been truly explored to his fullest extent.

My city would be famous for the Himalayan mountain range, the highest mountain range in the world. The natural beauty of this area is not obviously known to the rest of the world, as much as I feel that it should be. I would actively try to replant trees and regrow the forest in many surrounding areas that have lost some of their natural diversity. My cities’ clever use of its natural environment and harnessing what is around it, to create an environment that is both beneficial to the people living there and nature, will be appreciated by many people.

Many fruits, tea, and minerals will be plentiful in the city. Minerals like salt, gypsum, clay, mica, limestone, barites, iron, lead, and pyrite are found in large amounts and different regions of Himachal Pradesh. Salt rock deposits are also found here. Gypsum is a mineral that is a limestone that is used in cement. This is incredibly useful in the future development of my city because concrete is expensive and I would already have a natural deposit of concrete at my disposal. Uranium deposits have also been found in the region.

The region of him a child Pradesh has a preexisting infrastructure that allows there to be domestic mobility, supported tourism, and allowed travel. There are scenic narrow-gauge rail lines, roads go through the ranges and valleys, and allow there to be travel and communication in Himachal Pradesh. The roads allow bus routes to run throughout that region. Domestic air services are available as well. The Himachal Pradesh region of the Himalayan mountains is very close to India, so many resources do not need to be shipped from far away. They can arrive by truck and plane using the infrastructure that is already present, which would make this a great area for me to develop a larger city.

There will be a multifaceted community that consists of apartments and homes. I would not build housing right on top of each other, to avoid population density. I want to encourage green living and try to incorporate that in the kind of housing that I build, in order to avoid unnecessary waste and pollution in the natural environment. Homes would not be right next to each other And I would build many small roads instead of highways. This way I could avoid disturbing the animals as much, but still, connect the surrounding area.

I would build a public transit system using buses. This way many people have been in one vehicle and get from place to place without causing the individual pollution the people with cars put into the environment. People would also take cars. I would build bicycle ranges in order to encourage people to use a form of transportation that does not harm the environment but allows people to stay active and travel short distances.

A potential problem with my city could be the extreme temperatures, the altitude, and a lack of certain industries and resources. The climate of the Himachal Pradesh region is very cold and dry during the winter, and very hot during the summer. The lack of a moderate climate prevents some crops from being grown and stifles the potential growth of the agricultural industry. I would have to work around this by introducing another industry that could work in this region by using other natural resources. There is not a big electronic industry in this region, nor there are many large factories, there are not enough jobs for everyday people that are not in agriculture or involve hydroelectric energy. I would have to create new industries and introduce them to the people in the area so my city could be multi-faceted and grow.

There will be a large suburban area around my city that is connected by small roads. I would avoid highways because of the noise, in the invitation for population density that interrupts wildlife that already lived in the area. Having people more spread out would decrease population density and noise pollution, which would ensure that the wildlife goes is undisturbed as possible. People could travel to the city using buses or cars.

29 April 2022
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