My Favourite Food: Why I Love Spaghetti

Want to explore different countless food combinations and put your taste buds to work? Well, eating different kinds of food combinations is one of my hobbies. I love spaghetti wholeheartedly, that is why I chose to write my favourite food is spaghetti essay. Moreover, I love to try different food dishes, either solo or with any other delicious item. Some combinations are good but they don’t taste good and some combinations are in a way, not so sensible but still they taste good to me so I keep on trying things like that. Now, spaghetti with clams is something I loved a lot so I wanted to share the recipe with all of you. Let me take you to the recipe now:

Heat Salted Water

Boil a large container of salted water, u should have 1 Tbsp of salt for every 2 quarters of water. Prepare garlic, parsley and lemon zest while the water boils.

Cook Spaghetti

Add the spaghetti to the container with boiling water and set the time to 2 minutes less than the recommended time so that you may know that you are cooking the spaghetti that is firm to the bite. Cook the spaghetti uncovered in the boiling water and while it cooks, prepare the clam sauce.

Fry Garlic

Heat 3 Tbsp of olive oil in a little hot pan on medium heat. Now add red chili pepper flakes and minced garlic. Cook till a minute until the garlic is has just gone brown.

Add Wine and Clam Juice

Add white wine to the pan. Open the clam cans and squeeze out the clam juice into the pan along with the white wine. Now raise the temperature and let the sauce boil. The sauce reduces as the spaghetti cooks. In order to reduce the sauce more quickly, put the pan on a larger burner with higher heat.

Add Parsley, Lemon Zest and Chopped Clams

Just about when the spaghetti is nearly cooked. There should be 1/4th to 1/3rd cup of liquid sauce still in the pan. Add the chopped clams and then return to a simmer and then stir in the cut parsley and lemon zest.

Bowl Cooked Spaghetti With the Clam Sauce

When the spaghetti is cooked to be just a little firm to the bite,, place it in a serving bowl after draining it and pour the prepared sauce over the pasta and toss it so that the sauce is mixed with the spaghetti.

And to finish - sprinkle freshly ground black pepper and a little bit of fresh parsley over the pasta and serve it immediately to get inside the stomach!!

10 October 2022
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