My Goal To Further Education In Computer Science

I perceive that the pace at which technology is evolving, is incredible. I have always been amused by the unimaginable technological feats that have been achieved. I try to understand the functioning as well as explore the reasons behind the development of these technologies. I always wish to contribute to this fascinating technological world and it encouraged me to opt for engineering as my UG specialization. I have gained a strong foundation in the basics of my field during my undergraduate program. But to continue my education at a deeper level and to succeed in such a competitive environment, I feel the need of an advanced study in my sphere and made a decision to pursue MS in Computer Science at your revered University. I believe it will add more value to my profile and improve my career prospects. I believe that excellence drives me in my academia.

I have always aimed at rich insight on the subjects which has helped me maintain a good academic record. I secured 81. 2% and 10 CGPA in my 12th and 10th grade respectively. I also received merit certificate from Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for scoring perfect 10 CGPA in 10th grade. I completed my undergraduate course in Computer Science Engineering from GLA University, Mathura. The labs and theoretical classes of the various subjects that includes Data Structures, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Soft Computing, and Operating Systems helped me to develop interest in programming and played a crucial role in achieving my academic mini and major projects. My sincere efforts and hard work led me able to constantly perform well in academics since my fresher year and helped me secure 8. 17 CGPA in my undergraduate course.

I was also fascinated to learn about various new operating systems. I learned about “Android” (mobile operating system) & did training in “Android Application Development” with Java from Microsoft, Lucknow. The training also gave me the knowledge of web development languages like XML and JavaScript. I made an application “Attendance System” which aimed to reduce the paper work of recording student’s attendance at colleges. This application stored the list of students with their name, roll no. and a checkbox in front of every row to mark present and absent accordingly with date. I did another project Blood Bank Management System aimed at facilitating the people who are in need of blood (receiver) as well those who are willing to donate their blood (donor) through software which would help receivers to let them know the availability of blood groups of different kinds at particular center, so they could go at the center and get the blood. Also, donors could go and donate blood. This project was developed using Java and NetBeans 8. 1 as IDE. My senior year project was “Attendance Management System Using Face Recognition”. The main objective of this project was to automate the process of recording & tracking students’ attendance and eliminating proxies through digital image processing technology. We implemented this project using PyCharm which comes with OpenCV library that required a fine knowledge in the field of Image Processing, Machine Learning and various skills like Python programming and Computer Vision. Microsoft SQLite database was used for storing all the details along with the images of Students. Images were captured by high resolution camera and compared with the data set of referenced images fed in computer system. We used Local Binary Pattern (LBP) Classifier and Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) algorithm for face detection and face recognition respectively. My project got acknowledgment from my mentor and we were asked to prepare research paper and present it in IEEE conference.

Apart from educational discipline, I am fond of doing volunteer work to help needy people. During my undergrad study, I volunteered at “Udaaan Aasma Tak” – a nonprofit student’s organization which works for educating underprivileged children of nearby towns and villages of Mathura. It also aims to provide basic facilities, means of education and funds to them. It was a great experience for me and helped me developing my inner strength. Likewise, I have taken parts in various other events like CSI 50th National Student Convection at GLA University, our Annual Fest – Srijan. Also, I won first prize in “Robo-War” competition in Quintessence - an annual event conducted by CSE department. Furthermore, I led the responsibility as a Deputy Coordinator as well as Coordinator of the National Level Sports event “Maitree” and annual event Spandan respectively. Performing these roles and responsibilities enriched me with self-confidence and improved my leadership skills.

01 April 2020
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