Negative Effects Of Computers And Computer Use On The Environment

Computers are very relevant in the world today, since almost the entirety of the world is connected, but with great power comes great responsibility. This however is a challenge with industries and the production of computers. There are many components to a computer and the construction of one is very complex that it has taken years for people to create and mould the type of computers that we have today. With this comes the cons of actually creating the computers. Since there are certain materials needed to build a PC and its components, these materials will sooner or later will end up in waste and landfill sites. Many of these materials that are used in computers are harmful to the environment. These materials include mercury, lead, beryllium etc. Paper is also used in our everyday life as well. From news, to entertainment, to literature, to education, you could say that paper is very important in our daily lives. The thing is, if we are using more papers, and cutting down trees more than planting them, there is a big problem. The problem is that we are abusing the trees we use, and more importantly we are not respecting the environment that we live in. In our world today, many of our appliances are run on power, even the simplest things you take for granted take a lot of the power you use in your everyday life. These things include toasters, ovens, and lights. Of course there are much more things that take up a lot of the electricity, such as desktop computers. Depending on how good your computer is, it can take up almost all the electricity that you use, especially if you use your computer for long periods of time.

These things are to be taken into account since our power is run on many things like nuclear power, and fossil fuel, things that are harmful to the environment. Of course, too much of something can have bad effects in the long term and using computers is one of those things. Excessively using computers can cause things such as pain in the neck, wrists, hands and back. Some of the symptoms of pain can be classified as an effect of musculoskeletal disorders. So the next time you go on your computer to play games or work on things on the computer, think about the time you are taking, and take regular breaks and stretch to prevent these things from happening your body. Having long periods of computer time is also very bad for your eyesight. Unlike gaming consoles, computer screens are right in front of your face. This can badly cause eye problems such as eye strain. These can lead to even worse effects, be even destroying your vision. We really take our eyes for granted, but if we lose our eyesight, it will have a great impact on our lives, and change them dramatically. Computer time, if abused can also affect our social lives, in that if you are isolated and only have time between you and your computer it can mentally change your mindset. This is not always the case, since now the online world has so many communities and groups that people fit themselves into. Computers then become a social platform for people to open up to different people other than others in their vicinity. Yet there are still many cases where computers create social isolation and separate people from reality and real conversation. This can mentally destroy people. In conclusion, computers are good and bad in many varieties of ways, but there are many severe ways in which it has negative effects on our health and in the environment that we live in.

01 February 2021
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