Nicholas Cruz – The Accused Parkland Shooter

Nicholas Cruz although a nickname which he used on a Youtube channel last year, 2017 is a School Shooter who caused one of the greatest massacre in the United States on valentine’s day this year, 2018. Although, reasons for his decision was not disclosed rather was feeling pitiful but from the act it was guessed to be a revenge on his past class mates and educators.


Nicholas Jacob Cruz was born to Roger Cruz on on the 24th of September, 1998 in Florida, United States. He has a sibling called Zachary Cruz and is an American by ethnicity. Both he and his brother were adopted by Roger Cruz and Lynda Cruz. They were both loved, but it became a rampage when their parents were both dead, live became so hard for Nicho and Zach. Nicholas went to Parkland a school in Florida. He was a quiet goon with a high temper. He loved playing with guns, knifes, e. t. c. Along the line, he was expelled for some dubious act. Later in 2017, he recorded a video, which he said “you all will die Pew! Pew‼ Pew‼!” Can’t wait. Unfortunately on 14th February this year, he went to school in an Uber drive and opened fire with an AR-15 rifle killer to student whom he saw on hallways and on the school grounds.

17 victims died and many were injured. Away from this act, he hid among the fearful crowd and went into McDonalds to have fun. He surrendered in Coral Spring were he was arrested and detained to face trial.


Nicholas has only one adopted brother named Zachary Cruz. At the point of Nicholas arrest, Zachary arrived the venue and had conversation with his brother telling him that “people think he(Nicho) is a monster now, but he does not care what other people thinks, he is his brother and he(Zach) still loved Him (Nicho)”. Earlier, this year, Zach was arrested for violating a probition, where he moved with a KIA SUV without a license to a school he was not enrolled in. He was sentenced to six months probation.


His parents are Roger Cruz and Lynda Cruz. Both parents showed loved to their adopted kids although Roger died at an early stage of Nicho’s life when he was six years. He died of a Heart Attack. Lynda adopted Nicholas having heard of his mother’s fallen pregnancy from hospital after three months from birth for $50, 000. She died November 2017 after suffering from pneumonia.

His sentencing

Nicholas was arrested and interview by the police. A clip of an interview with him was released by the police were he confessed and afterwards said he heard a ‘demon’ always telling him to kill. Another clip showed were he made his fingers in the form of a gun, punches it into his temple, punches himself and says ‘Kill me’ and begin to cry… He claimed that the voice started right from when his father died and his mother’s death made it grew worse. The interview lasted for 6 hours 30 minutes being 2½ hours after his arrest. He was transferred to jail the following day being 15 February. Further interview was conducted, were Nicholas claimed the voice he heard kept him from being lonely. However, before the attack he attempts to kill himself but failed. A transcript of 219 pages containing his confession was released, although it was not to be disclosed in Social Media. Later, he was charged for 17 counts of premeditated murder and 17 counts of attempted murder both of first degree.

On July 2018 at a preliminary hearing Cruz's lawyers said he would plead guilty to escape being sentenced. The opinion was rejected by the state attorney. He is going to face death penalty if convicted. His upcoming trial will be set for September 2019.

18 March 2020
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