Observation Report Of 20 Months’ Age Female Toddler

The Toddler I observed is of 20 months’ age and is female. She has a younger brother and they both live with their parents.

The overall physical development of this toddler looked decent. She looked good enough with her gross motor skills. She walked pretty well. Her running without any assistance or support was decent. Other gross motor skills like trying to climb on to the ottoman, slowly trying to walk up the stairs (with support by holding on to the rails), and pulling a toy were also exhibited. She also exhibited decent fine motor skills. She drank water from a sippy cup.

Later she played with the building blocks trying to stack them and has slowly built a tower. She once tried to scribble on paper and I also observed she once tried to push the buttons on a toy. Yes, the toddler was decent enough in solving the puzzle (putting shapes into the shape box). The toddler tried to take the shape and will try it out in few shape boxes and wait for few minutes and try again. She succeeded in placing a few shapes correctly. At times when she is stumbled and couldn’t find the shape box, she would look at her mom who sat next to her and ask for help by grabbing her mom’s hand, as a sign of asking for assistance.

The toddler seemed to have an attention span of 3 to 4 minutes. The toddler has got a neighbor kid who visited during that time. She is not fully seemed to be social. She was Ok playing with the other kid with few toys. But on a few instances, she didn’t seem into playing with him. At the same time, she seemed to be OK with sharing the toys, though. She didn’t bother when the other kid took and played with some of her other toys. She was independent and it was evident when she took her electric bike and drove inside the house, trying to show off in front of the other kid. Her autonomy was also evident when she took the iPad from her mom and started watching stored videos from the iPad. She was dependent on other instances, like if a particular item isn’t reachable. She will come to grab her mother or whoever is available and try to take their help in attaining the item.

Unfortunately, this toddler didn’t speak. She has a speech delay. She did a lot of babbling though. But didn’t speak any word. As mentioned before she seemed semi-sociable, and she also seemed less in observing other kid and imitating them. This might explain her speech delay.

15 July 2020
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