One Of The Most Famous Composers Of All Time: Ludwig Van Beethoven

One of the most famous composers of all time, Ludwig Van Beethoven played a large influence in music in the world. He remains one of the most well known composers, it is no doubt he made possible by his amazing symponis. It is not known exactly when Beethoven was born, but he got baptized on December 17, 1770 in Germany. He had a very difficult life as a young boy. His dad was an alcoholic and often beat on him. When he was only twelve years old he was already composing. People thought he would never have a future as a composer because he never finished elementary school. However when he was in his early twenties he began to lose his hearing and eventually became completely deaf. This did not stop Beethoven from music he would observe vibrations of the piano which allowed him to play. Beethoven was a great musician but before his success he has early struggles, struggles as an musician, and with losing his hearing.

Beethoven had some struggles as a child just like many of us have struggles, his father was an alcoholic and used his son to play the piano for his drinking companions. He would often be pulled out of bed in the middle of the night and his dad would made him preform. If he would not do so he would suffer beatings and yelling (Beethoven biography). His father could not make enough money to support the family, so Beethoven went to work as a musician. When he was in school he struggled with math and spelling and experts thought he may have dyslexia (Roknoff). These are a few early struggles that caused Beethoven to become a professional musician as an adult.

He also had struggles when he was a musician. When Beethoven was a little boy since he never exceeded elementary school his teacher was saying that he would never have a future as an composer (Beethoven biography). Also while he was composing his father began to get worse so beethoven had to quit his composing and get a job so he can support his family. While Beethoven was composing he began to lose his hearing and eventually became deaf. This was definitely one of his greatest struggles while he was composing.

One of beethoven's most greatest struggle would be when he became deaf. In his early twenties he began to lose his hearing and he eventually became fully deaf. He struggled to perform in an orchestral because he could not hear high notes of the instruments and the singers voices. However he could play the piano by observing vibrations, he would take the legs off of his piano and then put the piano on the floor and put his head to the floor so he could feel the vibrations and when he needed to press the keys

01 August 2022
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